If people are good only because
they fear punishment,
and hope for reward,
then we are a sorry lot indeed.
Albert Einstein
Ron Paul on the Kavanaugh Nomination to SCOTUS
Stossel On How Feminism Fails Boys
The Nationalization of College Loans
Social Media Digest
[Various comments on a Facebook open borders group:]Nils Kilden-Pedersen you are making far too many concessions to State rationalizations to restrict the natural right to migrate. In the nineteenth century, these were not criteria--in fact there was no national safety net, e.g., when my French-Canadian ancestors emigrated to find a better life in New England.
This is all demagoguery. Bernie Sanders opposes free trade and open immigration as well. The labor unions regard migrants as competitors, undermining their bargaining. These parasites are not open borders. They are simply politically opportunistically exploiting the anti-immigrant family policies of this administration.
This is spot on. This idea of the US or other countries being swamped by visitors doesn't factor in costs-benefits to visitors. A professional colleague told me while we were working in Brazil he could get me nearly double my salary working for the client, but I wasn't interested. And my Brazilian girlfriend had no interest in leaving her extended family and friends, culture, etc. Even before the US imposed its insane quota system nearly a century ago, only a fraction of eligible people chose to come here.
This is an assault of liberty and an abomination. At least in the US, immigrants have thoroughly assimilated within 3 generations without government policies.
Some recent tweets:
As a US Senator, I would be voting against any judicial whore who believes the Constitution is a living document. That's a rationalization for unaccountable judicial tyranny.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 10, 2018
How could you vote for a guy who claims to promote America "first" when he's been bombing more intensively than any President in history, including countries like Syria which never attacked the US? #QuestionsForTrumpDefenders— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 9, 2018
How could you vote for a man who pretends he can end the national debt while he refuses to touch about 70% of the budget in entitlements and wants to increase much of the rest in national defense? #QuestionsForTrumpDefenders— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 9, 2018
How could you vote for a formerly registered Democrat who ten years ago supported both Clinton and Obama for POTUS? #QuestionsForTrumpDefenders— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 9, 2018
The leftists have long (since FDR's court-packing days) seen the unaccountable judiciary as their backdoor into State-conferred "rights" and majoritarian tyranny #ScotusPick— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) July 10, 2018
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall |