
Thursday, February 15, 2018

Post #3554 M

Quote of the Day

One's first book, kiss, home run, is always the best.
Clifton Fadiman  

Tweet of the Day

ANNOUNCEMENT. Twitter decided to censor me for one or more of the following tweets (I guess). I'm not happy with it. I'm seriously thinking of dropping my account from Twitter and maybe exclusively publish my content in a special blog format or an alternative feature or even a dedicated blog and/or

Their loss: I've long pulled on average over 1000 views a day, a number of tweets getting thousands of views each. I managed to accumulate something like 74 followers, none of them relatives or friends.  I know these are unimpressive numbers compared to others, but not bad considering my point of view and I built my list of followers on the quality of my tweets. Twitter wants to play censor? Fine. They won't make money on my content. No final decision but but they've annoyed me enough in the past

First, brain-dead, statistics-illiterate celebrities shouldn't abuse their access to media to repeat trite ideological or partisan soundbites. The idea that leftists somehow have a monopoly on compassion for victims is hubris. "Chelsea Handler"

The fact is that the trend of increased gun ownership over the past 2 decades with a decreasing rate overall of violence, including homicides. Not to mention if airhead celebrities can buy illegal drugs, why not illegal guns? "Chelsea Handler"

The one thing you can count on every time a mass shooting tragedy like the Florida school shooting is for leftist political whores and their celebrity minions to promote denying others their right of self-defense against criminal shooters. "Chelsea Handler"

Let's hope that voters won't respond to Statist prohibitionist pleas for disingenuous, desperate, ineffective unconstitutional policy that will do absolutely nothing to diminish the risk of mass murder. "Chelsea Handler"

Ronald Guillemette @raguillem  6hThis "liberal" teacher is reminding us of how the public schools are not only failing public safety, but their prime objective. The federal government has no police powers under the Constitution (Amendment 10). "Failing Our Children"

Remind FNC clown Shep Smith that school shootings have occurred across US history, that over the past 2 decades the number of violent including fatal crimes has actually declined "Failing Our Children"

I dare Trump to veto a DACA bill; he's politically dead if and when he starts to deport kids brought up American. Every poll I've seen shows Trump's xenophobia is only shared by a vocal minority. Trump is un-American. "Needed 60"

Clarence Thomas has been one of, if not THE, strongest Justice supporting individual rights and federalist principles. We need more justices like him. "Justice Thomas"

Spoken like the non-conservative moron you are. Real conservatives believe in the Subsidiarity Principle and the Tenth Amendment, not the Big Government whores imposing themselves in state/local governance.

Thank God the Senate failed to adopt the non-conservative Toomey sanctuary city amendment. This steps over the lines of federalist principles.

I agree, on the principle of Subsidiarity, to the option of sanctuary cities vs. the federal restrictionists. However, California is wrong to impose the policy on other municipalities for the very same principle.

I'm especially proud to see the Senate reject the economically illiterate Trump proposal to scale back LEGAL immigration. This proposal is morally unconscionable and counter-productive. It's hard enough attracting immigrants with an Asshole-in-Chief in the White House.

Ron Paul On the Florida School Massacre

Love, Marriage and a Dying Young Woman

Free-Market Environmentalism

Trump IS Fake News

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Frank Sinatra, "I've Got the World On a String"