
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Post #3545 M

Quote of the Day

The beauty of the soul shines out 
when a man bears with composure one heavy mischance after another, 
not because he does not feel them, 
but because he is a man of high and heroic temper.

Tweet of the Day

Facebook Corner

[A libertarian-conservative FB group against Trump reposted an image arguing that Trumpkins tolerate all sorts of uncivil behavior from Trump, but suggests that their real opposition against Obama was racially based. My first reply was responding to the theme. A Bernie Sanders supporter troll responds basically Sanders would have wiped Trump out in 2016 and offers a trite defense of Obama; my second comment is the response.]

This is a pretty idiotic meme. There is nothing conservative or libertarian over doubling the national debt, the slowest rebound from a recession, the failure of ObamaCare, or droning and overseas chaos on steroids. The meme seems to suggest that Trump won on a tiny block of racists, but in fact Trump won states that Obama won 4 years earlier that weren't in the South.

 [Second Comment]

Where do we start with the economically illiterate progressive troll ...?

1. Tax reform flattened/lowered globally noncompetitive business taxes. The issues weren't with tax cuts, but a lack of spending cuts. Obama, on the other hand, added $10T to the deficit and no spending cuts.
2. No, Obama didn't have a big recession. The recession was over in 5 months once Obama was in office. A trickle of stimulus spending had nothing to do with a $14T-plus US economy recovery. Obama, on the other hand, had the slowest growing recovery in US history.
3. Obama was a freaking hypocrite. As a senator, he voted against a debt ceiling raise. He talked about the judgment to invade Iraq and won the Nobel Peace prize, but refused to acknowledge limits on his vastly expanded drone wars.
4. No socialist has ever won the Presidency or ever will. Bernie Sanders would have been slaughtered in the general election. Dukakis had a huge lead in the 1988 and was wiped out in the election.
I could go on for days, but what's the point? The guy is a partisan hack.

[Reason looks at the NY legislature looking to ban Tide [Detergent] Pods on recent stories of kids eating them. I've lately been using a WalMart private-label alternative product.]

This is stupid. Pods are a portable and convenient way to bring detergent to the laundromat. You can't legislate people from doing stupid things, e.g., over 120 million people voted for Clinton or Trump.

Other Facebook Comments Where I Didn't Track the OP:

  • Okay, how many people realize these retards kept calling Paul the "senior Senator from Kentucky". That must be news to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

  • No. tolls are USER FEES [vs. taxes]. Why should you care whether you pay road fees at the pump or at the highway or a mix? Now, of course, government diverts fuel taxes for politically popular mass transit, bike lane and other purposes, which is corrupt. The point is that roads should be privatized. But even privatization would require user fees. Now you do make a valid point that some tolls are continued to be gathered which government has since paid off its original construction costs. But the government asset was defined with a lifetime. You still have wear and tear and ongoing operational costs (e.g., snow removal, potholes, etc.) plus future capital investment.

  • Free trade. I would pick Trump for "most likely to sabotage the American economy". Well, Sanders is equally economically illiterate.

  • Jeff Flake, unlike you, is a true conservative, not a sellout to the corrupt anti-immigrant, anti-trade, economically illiterate Trump and his idiot minions.

  • An Exchange About Trump On Conservative Review

    He has, among other things, made prejudicial comments about people who have been charged that substantively violate their Constitutional due process rights (e.g., Bergdahl). He's likely violated the emoluments clause. He has tried to impede federal investigations. I could go on and on. He's a self-serving corrupt bastard and an enemy of the Constitution.

    What? Explain

    Ron tell what he has done, has he raised the debt to 20 Trillion like Obama or lie about Obama care or signed an agreement with Iran

    The corrupt RINO deal he made with Chuck and Nancy undermined GOP attempts to win spending cut concessions from Dems. The deficit and debt has increased as of last week to 20,496,092,622,812.53. I oppose US intervention abroad, and I'm OK with the Iran deal.

    Is Google Restricting Access To Content It Doesn't Like?

    I'm not sure; I've embedded many Prager U videos over the life of the blog (and there are some I personally don't agree with, e.g., for the use of nuclear bombs in WWII Japan). Disclosure: Blogger is a Google product/service. I've noticed highly suspect extended periods of time without any reported views, and I've heard occasional anecdotal incidents of people unable to access the blog. But it could be coincidental (e.g., ISP issues).  I think my blog is more of an acquired taste; for example, I'm an equal opportunity critic of almost all politicians. Most people agree with some things I say, but not all, and people will differ on what they agree with.

    DEAD WRONG: Personal Online Filtering Is a Big Thing

    I agree with Norberg. For example, I follow George Will on Twitter, and I'm constantly surprised by how many people he follows who have much different perspectives. I've often noticed anti-immigrants flooding into Reason and Cato Institute's more favorably inclined posts. It's almost impossible for me to avoid progressive talking points just reviewing political trending hashtags. As a teenager, I was reading Aquinas' Summa Theologica; his style was first to list the arguments against his point of view in very objective terms, and I would anticipate his response (and often succeeded). More on point: what bothers me more about the Gray Lady is her paywall. I'm not going to pay to read someone else's opinion and/or promote it in my blog. Same thing with WSJ.

    Political Cartoon

    Courtesy of Ken Catalino via Townhall

    Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

    Frank Sinatra, "Fly Me To the Moon"