
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Post #3551 M

Quote of the Day

You are going to let the fear of poverty govern you life and 
your reward will be that you will eat, but you will not live. - 
George Bernard Shaw  

Tweet of the Day

Stossel On the Zero-Sum Narrative of Economic Opportunity

Stossel On the Futility of State Prohibitions

Facebook Corner

[response to a libertarian post about an anti-vaxxer mother being jailed]
It depends. Is her son meeting other people? If he spreads a communicable disease, it's a violation of the Non-Aggression Principle.

[Yet another libertarian telling those of us who opposed the Civil War that we are "wrong", that the Southern governments had constantly violated black civil right for a century after the Civil War, etc.]
There was nothing "libertarian" about the tyrannical North and its unprovoked acts of aggression, and secession is a logical consequence from the principle of voluntary association. The idea that Northern states did not violate principles but Southern ones did is frankly an arbitrary one . Not to mention that the Union included slave states not subject to the Emancipation Proclamation.

As for "libertarians" who try to lecture other libertarians on how to think: go to hell.

[An anti-Trump group argues that Trump's uncivil behavior should have disqualified him from the Presidency]
No. I do agree what he did is inexcusable, adolescent, and disrespectful, and I didn't vote for either major party candidate. But I think he did it to get attention and to get people to overreact. And he succeeded..

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Kelley via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Frank Sinatra, "Luck Be a Lady"