It's better to light a candle
than to curse the darkness.
Chinese proverb
Tweet of the Day
Every once in a while I write a viral tweet that grabs literally thousands of viewers. The hashtag was tailor-made for someone like me who has very mixed meetings about Trump. I mean, I can sometimes tell if a tweet might attract the attention of Trumpkins and grab a few hundred views, but almost never when it goes viral. And there are sometimes unintended effects when I find myself flooded with indignant Obama cultists, anti-immigrants and pro-aborts, even though the tweet was about Trump. One Obama cultist even tried to argue improved growth the last 3 quarters was the deferred effect of Obamanomics. Yeah, right... He didn't do it over the 8 years of his Presidency--and he figures out just as he leaves the White House?
But to give an example, my first tweet (a hashtag game) is a pun on The Guess Who's big 70's hit, "Clap For the Wolfman". I thought it was an inspired tweet. It got a number of views but others got much more.
Clap From the Wolfman #GiveASongAnSTD— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Herpes From Me To You #GiveASongAnSTD— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Bad Blood (That's What the Doctor Said) #GiveASongAnSTD— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
#ImNoFanOfTrumpBut the economy is doing better under him than Obama due to reduced regulations and lower, more globally competitive taxes.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
I don't doubt for a second Trump may have decided to fire Mueller and retracted under pressure from his advisers. He publicly contradicted himself over the firing of Comey. Fake excuses; fake rhetoric! "Typical New York Times"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Hearing a FNC commentator describe Trump's economic policy as "fair trade" vs. "free trade". Remember, when Trump raises tariffs or discourages imports, it's a direct assault on the American consumer for the purported benefit of the few. And there will be a response.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
If I had a nickel for every time a similarly economic illiterate Dem said "free but fair trade", I could afford Trump's tariffs. The only thing Trump knows about the economy is documented by his 6 bankruptcies.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
How can so much economic illiterate BS be in one tweet. First of all, Obama didn't pass a budget; the man averaged under 3% growth over 8 years, the lowest EVER. Second, the GOVERNMENT caused the 2007 recession. American manufacturing never better; it's just more efficient.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Speak for yourself. Trump's anti-immigrant policies are economically illiterate and anti-growth, factually unsound, morally reprehensible, and a violation of our traditional open-immigration heritage, a rebuke of American values.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Don't you EVER in my presence use the pejorative "illegals"! These are visitors, many of who had to work around a broken-down guest worker program, mostly due to corrupt labor unions. These residents contribute to our economy;.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
Oh, the left-fascist troll makes a return to my cloud. There is NO "right" to kill a preborn child. If government does not protect innocent life, it has no legitimate purpose.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 26, 2018
On this point, not the anti-business claptrap, you bring up a legitimate point. Candidate Trump was harshly critical of Saudi Arabia and contradicted himself once he took office.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
ECONOMIC ILLITERATE. You still are. What you don't recall is that the recession ended in June 2009. Just 5 months into 8 years. The SLOWEST RECOVERY IN AMERICAN HISTORY. GOVERNMENT CAN'T FIX THE ECONOMY; they can only F*CK IT UP. Government getting out of the way helps.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
So much bullshit in one tweet. First of all, a baby does not have her mother's DNA; she has her own. It's no more "private" than one man killing another or even his wife. I'm not the fascist; you are--you are for using the State like the horrid Obama.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
No, the "right" doesn't legislate your love life. It doesn't hand out a child quota, it doesn't tell you who or whether to marry or regulate your sex life. It doesn't stop you from having surgery to prevent future pregnancies or buy birth control with your own money.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Barry "$10T debt" Obama will be cursed forever in history for what he did--and didn't do, like fix $100T in unfunded entitlements. These tax cuts are long overdue--the old tax rates were the highest on earth--bad for business. I have a blog where I debunk this bullcrap.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
No, the baby has functional organs at a very early age. This stupidity is beyond anything; post-birth children are similarly dependent on their mothers. Your filter is inhuman, and if you can't love preborn babies, you are a horrid human being. Time's up; I'm done with you.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
In all of this politically correct rhetoric, I'm not hearing any mention of high standards, academic rigor, respect for teachers and fellow students, self-control and discipline. "Black Teachers"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Ben-Gay #AddAWordChangeAFilm— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Monster M*A*S*H #AddAWordChangeAFilm— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Trump is like the boy in that skit trying to find his lost quarter. "Where did you loose it?" "Over there." "Why are you looking here?" "The light is better." Being xenophobic is nothing to be proud of in the world's original melting pot. Trump is costing us economic growth.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
No, it's not. And stopping repeating your progressive religion's litany of political correctness.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Organized religion has been co-opted by the morally corrupt culture and the State. #ReimaginingReligion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
HELL, YEAH. Trump is an economic illiterate. Anyone who has taken Economy 101, which I'm sure Trump failed in college, knows open immigration and trade, which Trump OPPOSES, are correlated with growth. Without Trump, growth would be much higher. He's better than Obama--not much.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 27, 2018
Ron Paul On Trumponomics
Remy's Back With a Spoof On Government Fear-Mongers
The Lazy Millennial Is Back
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall |