When a thing has been said and well, have no scruple.
Take it and copy it.
Anatole France
Tweet of the Day
We libertarians are in a dilemma when it comes to the kerfuffle over DACA and Trump. The real story is Obama's unconstitutional actions, however well-intended; don't forget, DACA was not a priority until the Dems lost in 2010.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
It is unconscionable to criminalize foreign-born children who grew up with the same schools and economy as your own children, who were not legally responsible for undocumented entry to the US. Deporting them to an unfamiliar country is a crime against natural rights.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
The xenophobes, including Trump and his minions, are politically clueless how they are staining our reputation as a country built by immigrants, who came to this country before the big government safety net from the post-Amendment 16 era.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
Donald Trump constantly obsesses about the US reputation overseas, while his unilateral actions and contemptuous attitude towards foreign visitors simply exacerbate that worsening perception.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
Let's be clear: when Trump vomits his disingenuous rhetoric against the excluded quota lottery, let's keep in mind that he is defending a corrupt, unreasonable, discriminatory quota system, vs our more morally legitimate open immigration system heritage.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
And he's right and you're wrong. The Fourteenth Amendment is applicable to GOVERNMENT, not the private economy. And the Civil War was caused by the federal invasion of seceded states. Learn American history.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
Well, to an extent Rand is correct; Trump says stupid things about people of any race and other nations. He's fundamentally disrespectful and clueless, and it reflects his bad upbringing. He lacks self-control. "Rand Paul"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
Get more creative and original (stop making predictable, lousy sequels of any movie hit), stop focusing on politically correct themes and characters, and make more classical musicals and inspirational films. #MyAdviceToHollywood— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 14, 2018
I've interrupted my NFL boycott because. well, the Vikings are in the playoffs. We saw a finish today that never happens for the 0-4 Super Bowl Vikings: with 25 seconds to go, a 75-yd drive, capped by a last-gasp miracle 61-yd TD reception by Diggs.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 15, 2018
Jeff Flake, one of the finest pro-liberty conservatives to ever serve in the US Senate, is rightly calling out Fascist-in-Chief Trump for his immoral, unconstitutional attacks on the free press.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) January 15, 2018
Facebook Corner
(responding to one of my cousins, in response to a "progressive"'s rant against the "immoral" for-profit healthcare system)[Cousin] this is just a retarded left-fascist. Healthcare is a business. We have "for profit" EVERYTHING that involves our needs and wants. Profits accrue by providing goods and services at prices that consumers consider a good value for their money. Not for profit organizations do not operate by the same business. A good farm may be more efficient and profitable by controlling costs, economies of scale, etc. They are "evil" because they make money, e.g., at lower costs and prices (like WalMart)? Vs. some failing farmer who sucks at what he does? I don't owe any store my business; if I shop at WalMart because they have better prices, I'm better off, and they make a small profit off my business. It's win-win. There are ways for smaller businesses to compete, e.g., by providing goods and services that WalMart can't do.
(responding to a Trumpkin's ranting against Flake's alleged ties to globalism, etc. because Flake called Trump's constant attacks against the press as "Stalinist")
Jeff Flake, unlike you, is a true conservative, not a sellout to the corrupt anti-immigrant, anti-trade, economically illiterate Trump and his idiot minions.
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Advantages of Free Markets Over Government
Political Cartoon
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