
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Post #3526 M

Quote of the Day

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl 
is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
Albert Einstein  

Tweet of the Day

The Progressive Religion

Remy Takes On Fake News

Facebook Corner

One of my favorite cousins, unfortunately a Trumpkin, re-posts a lot of Fox News posts which makes my Facebook feed. (I do not subscribe to Fox News anything, except for the Fox News Sunday podcast which sometimes includes my favorite columnist George Will. So in this case there was this predictable meme charging that it was outrageous about Congress getting paid, but working soldiers aren't.  This isn't quite true; it would not exactly be a good recruiting talking point if the US government didn't pay its soldiers. But what a shutdown means is that payment may be deferred. That's not the same as the soldier finding his paycheck bounced, etc. This doesn't mean that someone living paycheck to paycheck won't be inconvenienced. But the government is not going to renege on its promise to pay him. So I'm going to republish my original comment and 2 follow-up comments. I would normally republish them, but basically they point out that deferred pay doesn't help pay bills coming due. But I have issues about tampering with the pay of judges or elected officials which I consider a corruption of our republican system. Imagine, for instance, if a Congressional leader decided to cut off your paycheck unless you voted or decided to rule the "right" way. Plus, it isn't fair to blame the House for the Senate's cloture rules or obstructionist tactics of the Senate Dems. Populism is something I distinctively abhor, and that is Trump's calling card.

It is true that legislators will be paid, Many "essential" (including soldiers) federal workforce will work TEMPORARILY without pay.

What [troll] should know and is intentionally misleading you, is almost invariably all federal workers, including those furloughed during the hiatus, will get backpay. The ones who are truly screwed over (ahem) are the contractors, essentially laid off without pay.

[second comment]

 I think I already addressed this issue. The soldiers and other "essential" federal workers WILL GET PAID, but it may be deferred until there is spending authorization. Congress invariably ensures "essential" personnel get paid--and also furloughed ("nonessential") federal employees also usually get backpay..

The last 2 shutdowns took 3 to 13 days. We'll see how this works. None of the political entities look good in this: the Dems or the GOP; the House, the Senate or Trump. Let's also put out there the military members get free or subsidized housing and meal allowances, so they are in a better position to handle this in the short run than the civilians living paycheck to paycheck.

As for the populist BS about Congressmen being paid, I read sometime back that the median federal legislator is a millionaire--and as I just got through saying, backpay is typical policy. The idea that a bunch of political whores could decide which Congressmen would be paid would be wildly corrupt, which populists are too stupid to understand. There's one person to blame here, and it's the guy who unilaterally ended the DACA program without ensuring a legislative solution was in place.

[third comment]

Yeah, my second paragraph explicitly references the lower paid DoD civilians living paycheck to paycheck, although I think active military and their families get "free" healthcare as well. I'm not familiar with how benefits are affected in the interim. It's also very expensive to do all this. (And I'm personally being affected by all this and I'm not happy about it at all.)

I'm not sure why budget reconciliation doesn't require a super-majority, but continuing resolutions do. I'm not adverse to the Senate "going nuclear" on this.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Mariah Carey, "I Still Believe"