
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Post #3450 M

Quote of the Day

The vision that you glorify in your mind, 
the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - 
this you will build your life by, 
and this you will become.
James Lane Allen 

Tweet of the Day

Private Property and Thanksgiving

David Horowitz On the Abandonment of American Values By the Democratic Party

Facebook Corner

(Independent Institute). Who would you consider to be the worst president in American history? Not the Worst President Ever, But a Definite Contender
Although George W. Bush is probably not the worst president in U.S. history (Woodrow Wilson may have that dubious honour), the president may be in contention for that title in the post-Second World War era.
Lincoln, for destroying the federalist/limiting constraint on central government and responsible for over 600K war dead, war crimes against Southern civilians
followed by
- FDR, including his ruinous domestic intervention policies, Footnote 4, the social security Ponzi Scheme, international intervention
- LBJ for initiating the failed Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid, making Vietnam one of the greatest blunders in world history
- Wilson: the IRS, the Federal Reserve, WWI

What Does Freedom Mean To You?

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Dave Mason, "Let It Go, Let It Flow"