Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.
Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
Oscar Wilde
Tweet of the Day
Running against the swamp and then turning into Swamp Thing #TrumpBaitAndSwitch— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
Even their name is an oxymoron. Fascism is an economic theory that subordinates the individual to the State. "Least 20 U.S. Cities"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
No, the Swamp is not a symbol of unprincipled Trump's opposition. Trump is now the Swamp Thing.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
Fake news, now fake rallies. "Stop Until This Regime Driven"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
#WhatSexyIsToMe she responds to the better man she sees in me, positive attitude, playful, relaxed, enthusiastic, sense of humor— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
Trump IS the 1%, fool. He ripped off bondholders in six bankruptcies. There's not a single redeeming value in this unqualified SOB.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
The Asshole-in-Chief only got 46% of the vote--lower than Romney, McCain, etc.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
REAL conservatives, like George Will and me, left the GOP because of Trump. Trump is a grossly unqualified, unprincipled bastard. Bushes— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 4, 2017
No doubt Trump will claim credit for the fact you get an extra hour of sleep tonight. #DaylightSavingTime— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) November 5, 2017
Anti-Choice Public Education
Phil Robertson: Music Critic
Ha-ha! I love he brings up CCR. I haven't listened to commercial Top 40 in years; I mostly find modern music a wasteland; I would probably have a similar critique, without Phil's character.
Facebook Corner
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via Catholic Libertarians |
What has Pope Francis got to do with this incident, which seems to smack of the actions of agents provocateurs
The provocation is this prelate's desecration of a Catholic Cathedral to celebrate 500 years of Protestantism, something that led to religion wars across Europe, if not the world. The institutional Church is led by the Pope. Francis has been an abysmal Pope who has been morally ambivalent , divisive and sent mixed messages. I have little doubt that this idiot prelate is promoting this pope's "ecumenical" vision
PS The Vatican City post office is putting out a 500-year anniversary commemorative stamp in honor of Martin Luther. Still think this Belgian bishop didn't have Francis' backing?
(Fox News). Moments ago, President Donald J. Trump responded to the news that Bowe Bergdahl would serve no jail time.
No, Trump; as usual, you aren't intelligent enough to understand that you politicized the situation by repeatedly, as a Presidential candidate. the Commander-in-Chief, attacking Bergdahl, thereby undermining Bergdahl's right to a fair trial. Once again, your behavior is unconstitutional and further grounds for impeachment. You need to stop this irrational, politically motivated scapegoating crap. Just this one tweet might be enough to get his dishonorable discharge thrown out as well. So much for your "very good brains".
From NYT: "After Mr. Trump seemed last month to endorse his harsh criticism from the campaign trail, Colonel Nance ruled that he would consider the comments as mitigating evidence at sentencing....The tweet could be interpreted as an effort to pressure officers who still have some control over the sergeant’s fate not to reconsider his sentence, military law experts said...“President Trump’s unprincipled effort to stoke a lynch-mob atmosphere while seeking our nation’s highest office has cast a dark cloud over the case,” [Bergdahl's counsel] said. “Every American should be offended by his assault on the fair administration of justice and disdain for basic constitutional rights."...the soldier, who is now 31, was captured by the Taliban within hours and spent five years as a prisoner, his treatment worsening after every attempt to escape. He was beaten with copper cables and held in isolation in a metal cage less than seven feet square. He suffered dysentery for most of his captivity, and cleaned feces off his hands with his own urine so that he could eat enough bread to survive....The Army’s chief investigator on the case testified at Sergeant Bergdahl’s preliminary hearing that he did not believe any jail time was warranted, and the preliminary hearing officer suggested the whole episode might have been avoided “had concerns about Sergeant Bergdahl’s mental health been properly followed up.”
So let's see: the Army's own chief investigator recommended no jail time, but Trump and his "very good brains", not familiar with the facts of the case, "knows better" Learn to keep your big mouth shut.
[via cousin's post]
Thanks, leftist professors!
One recent post I've seen pointed out that Calvin Coolidge, Jr, just 16, was playing tennis in shoes without socks, developed a blood blister that got infected. The President and the best doctors in the land couldn't save his dying son (penicillin would emerge a few years later). Today, nearly all people, including poor ones, survive similar incidents.
Even lower-income people today have major appliances, air conditioning, cars, cellphones, etc. People, even poor ones, are at higher risk for obesity than starvation. I don't obsess over flying coach over first-class, living in a simple apartment vs. a mansion, eating at a diner vs. a 5-star restaurant. If someone offers a good or service that makes my life better off, I don't care if he makes a fortune. We're both better off: win-win.
When I was in academia as a professor (1986-91), I was a rare conservative, even working in business schools. The "progressives" were in charge even there, and I didn't dare express my personal opinions (not that we discuss politics in IT classes) around campus; I knew it could cost me tenure (never got it anyway), my job...
Younger people just don't realize before LBJ started Medicare and Medcaid, older people weren't dying in the streets. Doctors often donated or discounted services. Before social security, senior parents might live with one of their children. There were fraternal orders, mutual aid societies, etc. When my ancestors immigrated in the nineteenth century, there were no publicly-funded welfare programs, but some charities helped out.
There is a morally corrupt Politics of Envy. Young people don't understand when government interferes (minimum wage, business regulations, etc.), opportunities dry up. There are fewer opportunities to get that first job. Government workers have termination rates at a fraction of the private sector; And government doesn't compete for your tax dollar; it mandates it.
Today's government is in effect soft fascism, i.e., you can keep your property, but your property is subject to the rules of the government. Socialism/communism usually involves a more direct, dominant role of the government in the economy. Government workers/leaders don't compete for your dollar: they don't have to when they prohibit competition or compete unfairly (government units usually don't go bankrupt)
Choose Life
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Henry Payne via Townhall |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Dolly Parton, "Don't Call It Love"