
Monday, February 20, 2017

Post #3122 M Presidents' Day

Quote of the Day

I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up.
Tom Lehrer  

Tweet of the Day

Okay, I was looking for a fight because I have utter contempt for most Presidents/nominees . As much as I despise Trump, I am equally repelled by Obama, Clinton, and others. I was in no mood for badly flawed POTUS being hyped beyond recognition.

Image of the Day

Trade Deals: Who Are They Good For? Absolutely Everyone

Whatever Happened to American History?

Facebook Corner

[responding to my point about Trump's state of denial in the campaign about and initial reluctance to disavow former KKK leader and supporter David Duke, which the alt-right troll labeled "pragmatic".]
It's political opportunism and a lack of personal integrity. Trump has always spoken his mind, and he specifically criticized Duke twice on the record during the 90's/2000 campaign. Then 16 years later, he has politically convenient amnesia. Look how long it took for him to speak out against his supporters in Boston pissing on a sleeping Latino homeless man.

It's called integrity, and Trump has none of that. Recall that Duke won the LA GOP nomination during Bush 41's Presidency, and Bush and the GOP refused to support him. That wasn't "pragmatism". That was principle.


I hate to point out the fact that the offer to make Washington king is a myth, was promoted by a colonel (Nicola) who was expressing a private opinion with no popular mandate.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Tom Petty, "Jammin' Me"