
Monday, September 28, 2015

Miscellany: 9/28/15

Quote of the Day
The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
Allan K. Chalmers

Tweet of the Day
NOTE: Facebook Immigrant Video At the Bottom of the Post

Image of the Day

Inline image 1

Okay, to those of us with degrees in philosophy  this cartoon is LMAO

The Trumpster Wants To Wish Your Family Happy Holidays Christmas....

"Progressive" Public School Administrative Idiocy

You know, bill the parents if necessary; use some common sense.

Misleading Statistics From the "Politics of Envy" Leftists

Choose Life: Daddy-Child Moments

Facebook  Corner

(on a Libertarian Catholic post involving Pope Francis)
Other than specifying mans part in climate change I don't see where he said anything that strays from other popes. He also welcomed dissenters to the table and that their voices should be heard (conveniently left out of media write ups). Everything else has been in line with other pontiffs. 

It really is tragic that everything is seen through a political lens. How can this event or that tragedy be spun to a party's benefit or detriment. Our left wing media is doing what it can to get a dem party bounce from the Pope's visit....and they clearly aren't studied up on church teachings (that said, many of us aren't either....I had learned quite a bit from research spurned by PF's visit).
Bullshit. Citing St. John Paul II: "It would appear that, on the level of individual nations and of international relations, the free market is the most efficient instrument for utilizing resources and effectively responding to needs." If you don't see Francis' leftist claptrap for what it is, you're in a state of denial.

(National Review). See video at the end of the post.
 We need to be respectful of all visitors and prospective residents to the United Stattes; that's a moral imperative. All the restrictionists can go straight to hell.

Political Cartoon
Courtesy of the original artists via Independent Institute
Courtesy of the original artist via IPI
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Lionel Richie, "Ordinary Girls"

Immigrants on the American Experience

American Pride Among U.S. Immigrants
Immigrants showing their American pride is incredible.Happy Birthday, America!
Posted by IJ America on Friday, July 3, 2015