Politicians are the same all over.
They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.
Nikita Khrushchev
Chart of the Day
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via the Guardian |
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via Independent Institute |
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via Independent Institute |
The failed US policy on Syria has exacerbated the refugee crisis. Obama's raised target of 10K is grossly inadequate http://t.co/CkZllTnHXu
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 12, 2015
Capitalism Is What Lifts People Out of PovertyFacebook Corner
(National Review). Should Congress reauthorize the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010?
Not only should parents be responsible for their own children's lunches, but we need to stop the Big Nanny food police to stop scrutinizing parents' lunches for their kids. Remember the preschool girl who brought a lunch of turkey and cheese sandwich, chips, fruit and juice--and they rreplaced it with a lunch of chicken nuggets? School lunches to the point schools are responsible should be locally funded and controlled; if elitist, centrally-planned luches do not appeal to kids and end up in trash, the kids are not going to be adequately nourished for the rest of the school day.
(National Review). There are consequences to every action. Think about it.
So, National Review is feeding the morally repulsive bastard xenophobes/Trump cultists. What the author failed to say is Germany is prepared to take in 500K--while Obama has agreed to take in 10K.. Our irresponsible, morally dubious intervention policies have resulted in literally hundred of millions of dollars of military equipment in the hands of ISIS. The "land of the free" needs to step up in a big way.
(Libertarian Catholic). It's not about love folks. It's about coercion. #libertarian #Catholic #loveLost cf photo re: Kim Davis
No. First of all, there is no leap of logic where handling paperwork for a gay couple is a matter of conscience. Second, the reason Davis was sent to jail is because she refused a deal for her deputy clerks, who are empowered to sign off on certificate/license paper, to process gay couples. The deputy clerks (all but 1) were willing to do the paperwork and were able to do so under Kentucky law.
Great point. The rule of law is integral to a civilized society. But you can agree that it's not sacrosanct, right? There are laws that are unjust and we should disobey those laws.
Yes, many laws are unjust, especially those involving tyranny of the majority. This doesn't apply in this case. She is not a citizen protesting nontraditional marriage; She decided not to process marriage paperwork for anyone, including straights, thinking that would protect her from equal protection charges. That's official misconduct, dereliction of duty, however you want to describe. She put herself above the legislature and the justice system. She was obstructing the law.
I think about many politicians who break the rules in their line of work, & are never thrown in jail. Heck, we're lucky if they lose their job.
Don't be absurd. You're engaging in a tu quoque fallacy (i.e., two wrongs don't make a right).
She is being paid to do something, and she's refusing to do it. On strictly libertarian grounds, that's breach of contract. In fact, it's official misconduct,a misdemeanor offense in Kentucky and she's violating at least two federal laws. The correct response if she feels that she is being required to do something she feels violates her conscience is to resign. She already had religious accommodation; her deputies, who under Kentucky law are able to sign license/certificate paperwork, will willing to sign off, but she was blocking them.
(Cato Institute). "Unless there is a legitimate security, criminal or health concern, we should let the Syrians in.....Refugees want safety, not handouts....Our immigration restrictions are making a humanitarian catastrophe even worse by preventing them from saving their own lives. Let’s get out of the way and let them do that while empowering those among us to voluntarily lend a helping hand.”
Reading the morally corrupt loser xenophobes spamming this thread is nauseating. America has moral responsibility for the consequences of its meddling policies in the Middle East. Obama's raised target of 10,000 refugees is absurdly inadequate. As Nowrasteh points out, the private sector can accommodate more, if only the government will get out of the way.
Political Humor
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Lionel Richie, "You Are"