The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
Cornelius Tacitus
Chart of the Day: Improvements in Global Hunger Problem
Tweet of the Day
@realDonaldTrump is a Herbert Hoover. wannabe: high-income tax hikes, tariffs/trade wars, Mexican repatriation, jawboning businesses, etc.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 6, 2015
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are FDR wannabes.The failed presidency of left-fascist FDR established unsustainable central government.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 6, 2015
Immigrants need to know that the Dems are using them. Recall FDR's WWII internment camps and the Dems/unions stopped the Bracero program.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 7, 2015
Lincoln would NEVER have supported @realDonaldTrump, and the GOP must rebuke morally corrupt modern-day Know-Nothings.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 7, 2015
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Choose Life: Lia's Powerful Testimony
Facebook Corner
(National Review). "If this is the conservative movement now, I guess you’re going to have to count me out." -- Jonah Goldberg
Trump is not a conservative. Trump is not a Republican. Trump is not a Democrat. Trump is a Capitalist! A very successful Capitalist. This pisses off liberals even more.
HELL NO! He's run his own companies into the ground 4 times, and he's a crony capitalist who has engaged in eminent domain abuse and has openly admitted to buy political favors. He's as corrupt as capitlists get.
( The story of the United States’ economic destruction is centered around compromise. One intervention, which leads to economic problems, which in turn seems to require more intervention, which leads to more problems.
I think this is overstated with respect to the GOP. The mostly GOP conservatives of the Progressive era were specificlally concerned about rule of law and federalism (the 17th Amendment), not to mention the entanglements of the League of Nations). The Old Right (particularly Robert Taft) fought against the fascist New Deal and military interventionism. Whereas protectionist tariffs were a traditional GOP problem, note that the income tax largely fed the booming fascist federal government., Whereas it is true thar conservatives in the post-WWII era saw world communism as an existential threat, let's recall the bloodiest 4 wars in rhe 20th century started under Dems; it was a former general and GOP US President who famously warned of the military-industrial complex, it was the Dems who started the government intervention in agriculture during the New Deal. It is true, for instance, that ethanol subsidies benefit certain growers in the GOP-heavy Farm Belt, but that has more to do with leftist environmentalism than Big Growers looking for a mandate for their products. I don't deny the GOP Presidential contenders often pander to the corn growers of Iowa, but that's a classic problem of concentrated benefits and diffuse costs.
There are two types of socialism: each is EQUALLY as bad as the other.
Don't be a retard. The left-fascists are basically in charge of 75% of the national budget and the largest growing segment.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI |
Tina Turner, "What You Get Is What You See"