The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it.
John Ruskin
Tweet of the Day
What I didn't hear from @Pontifex is rejection of the evil of coveting the property of others or of morally hazardous public policy.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) September 27, 2015
Image of the Day![]() |
Via John Stossel |
"Progressives" Love To Spend Other People's Money
Remy and the DC Matic
Facebook Corner
(Libertarian Catholic). See Image of the Day.
Yeah, has the "sainted" Pope Francis done anything lately to stop declining Mass attendance and slumping vocations for priests or nuns/sisters? Has he done anything to shore up crumbling Catholic marriages and families? We have the straight-from-the-Onion story of a pro-abort Pennsylvania Democratic Congressman grabbing Francis' abandoned water cup after his Congressional speech and treating it like consumable holy water. Perhaps the pontiff should address the crisis in faith and morals rather than regurgitating economically illiterate soundbites.
(Catholic Libertarian). « the Pope’s visit this week reveals that Protestant and secular America still do not understand the way the Catholic Church approaches public life. Pundits and commentators insist on trying to comprehend Francis’s message in political terms. This is a wrongheaded approach. The Pope is not liberal or conservative. He is not a Democrat or Republican. He is a Catholic. And whatever he says about politics, culture, or the economy stems from this identity. Our propensity for trying to place the Pope in a political box says more about our culture than it does about the social views of the Catholic Church. Francis's visit has called attention to the tired, unimaginative, and intellectually stale way that we Americans think about public life. Americans are captive to ideological categories like "Left: and "Right." They are captive to political parties that allow little original thought that does not conform to rigid and limited platforms. »
This is flatly a state of denial. He definitely has a leftist/populist/Peronist perspective. I'm a little pissed off, because the above OP blurb is intellectually dishonest. I've cited before his exhortation specifically. He is NOT talking about individual responsibility; he's talking about State "solutions" He is not stressing repentence, dwindling Mass attendance, sharply declining vocations to the priesthood, etc. He recently declared Oscar Romero, a prominent politically active priest, a martyr, which basically allows elevation to the sainthood without the miracle requirement, e.g., required for John Paul II. He has basically copied and pasted familiar "progressive" issue soundbites in a typically economically illiterate fashion (e.g., he's resorted to demonization of trade, while encouraging immigration (which are conceptually muddled); he has not engaged in a critique of morally hazardous public policy. Instead, he has engaged in polemical soundbites, ridiculing the invisible hand of the free market, even anointing the pseudo income inequality issue as the root of the world's problems. None of this garbage is rooted in Christ's message; Christ's message was based on an individual's free choice of responding to God's grace, not collective action. Francis I doesn't seem to be aware that coveting a neighbor's goods is sinful, that Christ himself chastised the jealous brother who pleaded with Him to divide his father's inheritance "more fairly" among the brothers. I don't really care about scoring points in Democratic or Republican terms; I'm far more concerned about scoring points for liberty.
(Acton Institute). Why Can't The Church See The Potential Of The Free Market?
The Church is not against the free market , there is no such a thing anymore in the United States. It is against oppression of people and thats what we have now . The Goverment contols rent prices with their section 8 housing, food prices with stamp cards , fuel with political stands , utilities with environmental standards, medical with obama noncare, all of which are in.flationary. It takes an individual 65 thousand a year to mantain poverty at these prices. Using common core i believe it will take three full time 12 dollar an hour salries to maintain this low level non homelessness. Be fair, that is what the church is for.
Don't be a retard. Economic fascism is more reflective of the State-dominated banking and healthcare industries. The problem is that "progressive" regulation and taxation are barriers to economic growth, the tide that raises all boats. The economically illiterate pope is a product of the failed Argentinian system; at the beginning of the twentieth century, the US and Argentina had roughly comparable living standards. Argentina's economy has suffered because of Statist meddling (even more than US).
The Church is not against Free Market. The Church is against greed and exploitation.
Don't be a retard. Greed and exploitation is socialist claptrap nonsense and has ZERO to do economic reality or the Church.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall |
Lionel Richie, "Don't Wanna Lose You"