You will soon break the bow if you keep it always stretched.
Earlier One-Off Post: Hillary Clinton and "Politics of Envy" Economic Populism
OHIO: It's Time To Put Sophia's Health First: Medical Marijuana Is NOT About Getting Ill Kids High; It's About Improving Their Quality of Life
Hi-Yo Silver!
Senate Panel Advances TPP Fast Track Authority: Thumbs UP!
To be honest, I'm not happy that the Senate GOP had to agree to some of Wyden's (D-OR) conditions (Democrats are big on adding non-trade conditions--like labor or environmental policies--to consider any trade bill, which they generally don't like because of union knee-jerk opposition; they are still bitter over NAFTA 20 years later) for fast-track authority. Still, I'm disgusted that Portman (R-OH) and others are trying to link monetary policy to TPP negotiations, which is a compromise killer. Faithful readers know my position: what is in the best interests for the consumer is competition for goods or services; any increased market competition is better than none; I would even declare unilateral free trade....
Facebook Corner
(National Review). What is wrong with people?
Unfortunately, Morrison's winning a Nobel Prize in literature shows even a good writer needs an editor. Stoking racial tensions is unconscionable; her words, not her race, lost my respect based on the hard work of her scholarship. Rape and murder are repugnant, regardless of the victim's race, a violation of his or her unalienable rights.
I remember that one of my cousins, who lost both her parents by her early adult years, came to my grandfather's funeral mass and said, "There! Now you know how it feels..." I never could understand what would possess her to say that; I loved my aunt and uncle. It's like she wanted me to lose someone close so I could share the sorrow of her loss. But I had no desire to wish my sorrow on others. Ms. Morrison should focus on the bulk of black on black crime, not the latest incident hitting national headlines
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via Libertarian Catholic |
I absolutely agree about the reckless economically illiterate policies of this leftist populist pope. However, I don't see him as evil--just misguided, perhaps a reflection of his being raised in populist-leaning Argentina. I have repeatedly made the point that capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other ideology, and yet the pope cites Hofstadter's smear of social darwinism and Herbert Spencer; I think, like Obama, he puts a lot of emphasis on appearance and symbolism--I think he takes pride that he is being praised by "progressives" everywhere. But Jesus always warned us against deceptive appearances--the proud Pharisee, by their fruits you will know them, etc. I long to hear the pope rail against a morally corrosive culture.
(IPI). Governor Bruce Rauner's pension proposal aims to helps balance Illinois’ budget without tax increases by capping the current Tier 1 pension plan for workers hired before 2011 and moving them into the state’s Tier 2 defined-benefit pension plan. Nearly 40 active state representatives and 30 state senators voted for Tier 2 in 2010.
Why mess with our retirement. He making us work longer if this passes..... I understand the state needs to learn how to budget but don't mess with people that's been working for their retirement already.
The fact of the matter is that many Baby Boomers are within a decade of retirement, have minimal retirement assets, and NO pension beyond an increasingly insolvent social security program that pays a fraction of what many Illinois public sector retirees get. So cry me a river that retirees will have to share in the sacrifice to reform an unsustainable system. You should have known, like most businesses since the 1980's, that most pension plans were unsustainable with a longer-living tsunami of early retiring Baby Boomers.
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Nate Beeler via Townhall |
Olivia Newton-John, "If You Love Me, Let Me Know." Olivia's second US Gold single and top 10 hit on the Hot 100 and the first of a string of 4 consecutive gold singles. Her next 2 would go #1 and kick off a string of 7 consecutive #1's on the A/C chart.