
Saturday, April 24, 2021

Post #5121 M: Soho Debate: Socialism v. Capitalism; Woods on a Sheriff vs. COVID-19 Policy Craziness

 Quote of the Day

In my many years I have come to a conclusion 
that one useless man is a shame, 
two is a law firm, 
and three or more is a congress.
John Adams

Abbeville Institute Week in Review

Soho Debate: Socialism v. Capitalism

Oh, Jesus! Guess which side I took here? (Hint: capitalism.) Lots of sarcasm in this debate.  I had a lot of issues with the Comrade's use of minimum wage and other labor regulations. Over 97% of jobs pay more than minimum wage, without regulatory policy. For many, minimum wage jobs are job training and transient in nature. The point is, imposing an arbitrary wage necessarily restricts job opportunities for new/inexperienced workers. Why don't all workers have the same right to contract in voluntary labor contract? There are a million of other things; e.g., think that workers, threatened by the creep of robotics, might restrict automation?

Woods on a Sheriff vs. COVID-19 Policy Craziness

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Steve Breen via Townhall

Musical Interlude #1 Hits of 1973

McCartney & Wings, "My Love"