
Saturday, April 3, 2021

Post #5091 M: The Second Vaccine Shot Blues; Melissa Chen vs Wokeness/Radicalism; Biden's Infrastructure Boondoggle

 Quote of the Day

Do good by stealth, 
and blush to find it fame.\
Alexander Pope 

The Second Vaccine Shot Blues

I think I blogged about it after my first Pfizer shot. My vaccinator prophetically suggested most people had more of a reaction to the second shot and lucky for me the next shot would be on a Friday, giving me a weekend to recover. The basic idea  is the body is better prepared  to respond to the second dose, which suggests  it's working more effectively. I didn't have much of a response during my drive home, a little arm soreness. and a bit of a headache, but I thought that might have had more to do with driving home in bad traffic. But this morning was a different story; I felt fairly nauseous with no appetite and I spent most of the day in bed. I could stand to lose a little weight but this way sucks. My RN sister suggested some chicken soup and ginger ale. I checked and it seems like Walmart is open on Easter. From what I've read, most of these side effects dissipate  within 48 hours.

Melissa Chen vs Wokeness/Radicalism

Biden's Infrastructure Boondoggle

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Tom Stiglich via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1972

Neil Diamond, "Song Sung Blue"