
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Post #5113 Social Media Digiest


I have to write a bit more about this song and its co-writer/performer Rina Sawayama. She is of  Japanese-British heritage, and this seems to be a new mix of a song included in her recent debut studio album. Apparently a number of her songs embrace LGBT themes; she identifies as "pansexual" (which presumably means she is attracted to women, men and trans people, although she notably sings about women).  Elton John, of course, is married gay. I don't think of songs in terms of sexual politics (well, "I Am Woman" was pretty much in your face). I do like the themes of finding common grounds, personal choice and commitment, great lyrics and melody. Even in my most conservative moments, I've always been "live and let live". I myself have always been straight, and I think at least 2 or 3 nephews and nieces are gay. (None of them ever said anything to me about their choice/lifestyle; let's just say I've seen some pictures with significant others.)



Wow, I think I have a fan. Most of my tweets don't get engagements like like's or retweets. So when Twitter mentioned one Twitter user had liked 31 of my tweets, it grabbed my attention. I don't really pay much attention to my own likes of tweets  I would probably guess Justin Amash has won a plurality of mine.

I've been in a stat slump of sorts  I think I've only had one "viral tweet" (my term for 1K+ timpression weets) over the last few weeks. I really can't predict which tweets will attract the most attention. Some ad libs will gain hundreds of page views. Probably one of my favorite tweets ever (search below for the term "unfettered") hasn't even reached double-digits as I write. I was made aware of  the tweet, asking for a defining principle of libertarianism, by Justin Amash's response. I wrote the tweet as a form of word sculpture, and I'm happy with it. My own blog and Twitter feeds haven't attracted attention by well-known libertarians or groups now libertarians famously disagree with each other. Occasionally I've gotten brief email responses from people whose content I've featured in my blog, but that's not the same as, say, someone promoting my work on his own. It's sort of like being a supposedly favorite uncle (I have 21 nephews and nieces). There are some who will acknowledge my generally unilateral attempts to contact them. But almost none ever contact me on their own. I'm okay with that; people get wrapped up in their own lives.and I'm not their parent. But I miss the attention I got when they were young; one niece wrote I was her favorite person in the world; my RN sister has 3 daughters, and I recall on a long ago visit, they fought over who got to sit next to me at the dinner table. Maybe one day I'll submit a post to Lew Rockwell's site. But the said tweet is an example of my own libertarian content, and I'm working on a post that goes a little further in that direction.