
Sunday, May 24, 2020

Post #4623 Social Media Digest


[Young Americans for Liberty. Technically I'm not their target audience, since my salad days were in the 70's and early 80's. They approvingly ran a meme of Trump's threat to crackdown on states impeding freedom of worship.]

Ronald A Guillemette
Yeah, but POTUS has no legitimate authority over the states.

At this point, a troll responded yes, he does when the states are violating constitutional rights.

Ronald A Guillemette
No, he doesn't. For one thing, the Bill of Rights is relevant to the federal government, and the federal government is not violating the Bill of Rights. You might argue that the state is violating their own constitution, but the POTUS has no standing in the state court system.

The troll mocks my response, arguing that yes, he does, just like Eisenhower intervened to enforce the Brown school desegregation decision.

Ronald A Guillemette
That was an ENTIRELY different matter. The Supreme Court found that the states in question violated the 14th amendment in promoting discriminatory public policy. The Administration had a responsibility to enforce a Constitutional finding.

What you don't understand is that states have a broad constitutional mandate to enforce public health/safety. What would be unconstitutional if they intended to discriminate against religion vs. other types of gatherings. But a generic restriction against gatherings wouldn't be unconstitutional. Trump is, of course, incompetent and disingenuous. He is trying to gain the evangelical vote.

Ronald A Guillemette
Jacob Hornberger was my first choice based on principle, but Jo is probably a better, less strident politician.
