
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Post #4293 M: The Cherokee Lizzie Nightmare; Tom Woods on Impeachment

Quote of the Day

The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 

Tom Woods on Trump and Impeachment

Well, for some odd reason, most libertarians I know, including Ron Paul, Massey, Rand Paul, and Woods, unlike me, have been all but dismissive of the overt abuse of foreign policy authority for political reasons (rival Biden).There is no moral or constitutional defense possible. I'm not sure if it's based on their distaste for leftists, Trump's opposition, or their contempt for the process or that "every President has done at least as bad things". But I found nothing persuasive in this interview to change my pro-impeachment position.

The Cherokee Lizzie Nightmare

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Gloria Estefan, "Here We Are"