
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Post #4287 M: Tom Woods on Dave Smith and Comedy;

Quote of the Day

If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, 
it has been owing more to patient attention 
than to any other talent.
Isaac Newton  

Tom Woods on Dave Smith and Comedy

McClanahan on Trump and Emergency Powers

Let's be clear: McClanahan and I disagree on immigration. Familiar readers know my point that there's been a net outflow of unauthorized aliens since 2007 is down and I strongly believe in migration as an aspect of liberty. Brion makes the right call on Trump's unconstitutional actions but pays too much lip service to GOP talking points on migrants and voter manipulation.

Keep Government Out of the Content Regulation Business

Choose Life

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Gloria Estefan, "Can't Stay Away From You"