
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Post #4282 M: Avoid the Sun?; Leftists Don't Value Tolerance

Quote of the Day

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. 
Some people move our souls to dance. 

DEAD WRONG: Avoid the Sun

Leftists Don't Value Tolerance

McClanahan on Whether Trump Should Be Impeached

Sometimes McClanahan is dead wrong. Go to my essay on whether Trump committed an impeachable act. Ir's not a "nothing burger"; Trump in fact did halt American military aid to the Ukraine; Biden is in the conversation, and Trump volunteers access of Giuliani and Barr in a Biden prosecution.  Trump goes out of his way to make clear Ukraine has no reliable allies, but he also wants a favor.Not to mention I have no tolerance for McClanahan's dismissive attitude to Biden's relevance; the fact is that Biden has beaten Trump in every poll (except one from Rasmussen), and I can point to 2 national polls over the past week with Biden in the lead by double-digits.

McClanahan for some reason wants to set up AOC as his straw man, and he's in a state of denial on obstruction of the Mueller report. Mueller has repeatedly noted he didn't think he could indict a sitting POTUS and he fleshed out something like 10 charges.

I have no idea here why McClanahan seems to be defending Trump, who he has criticized in other videos; Trump is a nationalist with little regard for state rights .

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Bob Gorrell via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Gloria Estefan, "Falling in Love (Uh-Oh)"