
Friday, July 26, 2019

Post #4199 M: Kibbe on Why It's Never Been Easier to Succeed; Ron Paul on Bipartisan Spending Conspiracies and the Enabling Fed

Quote of the Day

If you press me to say why I loved him, 
I can say no more than because he was he, and I was I
Michel de Montaigne  

Kibbe: It's Never Been Easier to Succeed

Ron Paul on Spendthrift Bipartisan Congressmen and The Enabling Fed

The Mueller Hearing

I have to say there is much here with which I disagree. First of all, Mueller did not necessarily author everything in the report; he worked with a team of prosecutors. Keep in mind the Congressmen had weeks to prepare detailed NIGYYSOB questions. So it's not surprising that Mueller failed to respond to detailed questions. That hardly makes him the feeble-minded straw man Carlson attacks. Second, Carlson is once again trying to attack the investigation based on the Trumpkin obsession with the Steele dossier. The fact of the matter is that Trump himself seemed to encourage Russian intervention and Trump was definitely trying to squash the investigation in which he had a direct, vested interest, similar to Nixon in Watergate. Third, this whole disingenuous"exoneration" nonsense that Carlson discusses is basically a Trump talking point.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Midhael Ramirez via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, "Bye Bye Baby"