
Monday, July 1, 2019

Post #4166 Social Media Digest


I'm going to have to return to clipping OP posts I'm responding to.

[this is based on a Alyssa Milano's is trying to link pro-life with anti-immigrants and imply hypocrisy, pointing out that refugees have beating hearts]

 I don't think pro-aborts have hearts, never mind heartbeats. I think Alyssa's acting career should be granted a death certificate.

[Have the Storks had an amusing clip of Daddies letting their young daughters apply makeup].

 I would do anything for love, but I won't do that

[A Native American women was furious that white people were wearing tribal fashions.]

Cultural appropriation would be more my taking your designs, having cheap t-shirts made in China, and selling them as genuine at a profitable markup.

[AOC thinks taxpayers owe her a raise.]

How else is she going to afford those $7 croissants at airports?

[Pro-Life Libertarians had a piece on a British judge ordering an abortion for a 22-week pregnant mentally handicapped mother who wants her baby.]

So much for so-called reproductive rights!

[I think this was another Pro-Life Libertarian post where a Nevada LP chair was bashing Ron Paul.]

"I represent Libertarians". Wow, an undue deference to the tyranny of the majority. I'm sure some libertarians in Nevada supported Ron Paul during his 2 GOP POTUS campaigns. Of course, libertarians don't have a problem with rebuking other libertarians, especially those in authority.
I do agree there is a cult-like mentality to some Ron Paul followers. If you listen to Tom Woods, you get the full dose; it goes beyond almost religious deference to Austrian school economics; for example, he even celebrates Ron Paul's birthday (e.g., on Facebook: I once had a public disagreement with him when he started an obsequious post of the type: "I thank God every day that Ron Paul is the real deal, not a phony like Mitt Romney"). I disagree with Ron Paul on some things, including his position against open immigration (and he seems to be obsessed with the welfare state as luring immigrants (certainly not a factor before the Coolidge Administration). He has also opposed trade pacts, which, while falling short of declaring unilateral free trade, improves bilateral trade opportunities. Ron Paul also seems prone to various conspiracy theories.
But recent attacks by cited LP leaders trying to link Ron Paul to the crackpot Russian conspiracy nonsense are disingenuous. What a sad thing to assert over their own 1988 POTUS nominee! Woods recently dedicated one of his podcasts to refuting these charges.
