
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Post #4196 J The Wonderful World of Generic Presriptions

Prescriptions and Pet Peeves

I've touched about this mini-rant in the past. I'm currently taking 3 generic tablet medications (one of them for a sluggish thyroid). I've also occasionally used a prescribed medical cream for other health reasons (there's a reason why I'm mentioning this).

So, if you're not aware, Walmart offers many generics for $4/month or $10/3 months. It so happens all 3 of my oral prescriptions are in this program. But there is a nuance when your healthcare/pharmacy plans are involved, which drives me crazy. And none of this is ever discussed in common sense language to the customer. For example, you might get your plan to go along with picking up a one-month supply at Walmart, but they might balk at your getting a 3-month supply--because they might want to have you subscribe to their home delivery subscription model.

So here's the point I made a few months back: The exact same monthly supply per prescription that costs $4 at (for-profit) Walmart is being sold for $10 via their home delivery subscription. So I ended up paying $90 for a 90-day supply for 3 meds which would cost me $30 at Walmart. And keep in mind if and when I buy those meds at Walmart, I'm paying the full Walmart cost--it's not like they're picking up any of the cost I'm paying. So not only are they getting Walmart profits, but a 200% markup on top of the Walmart price. This is insane. I get these mailings telling me I must use their home delivery program. The only "value" I get is free delivery. But Amazon Prime gives me free delivery (not for prescriptions--yet).

I ran into paperwork issues when I went onto COBRA over the end of March that ended up delaying a planned outpatient procedure until early May. My overpriced prescriptions ordered during my last job ran out somewhere in late June; when I went to access their home delivery service, it was all screwed up; I didn't even see prices or ways to reorder my 3 main ones.

So my personal doctor is at an urgent care clinic; when I tried to get my prescriptions refilled, I get forwarded to a message that effectively says, have your pharmacy fax us the prescription. I think I ordered the 3 meds plus some cream/ointment. I had registered to get text notifications from Walmart. But somehow I never got notified that my order was waiting at Walmart. I think I had gotten some pushback on the cream resupply. The clinic called me to come in to see my physician. He's basically wanting to do some new blood tests. I get him to concur and write a prescription for the cream. (The only question was if I also needed some antibiotics.)

So when I went back to Walmart I discovered he had authorized like 15-day supplies. Then the Walmart clerk told me that the insurance folks refused to cover the cream (even though I had apparently 2 granted prescriptions, including the original doctor!)  My doctor doesn't like the lack of progress on one of the medications, wants me to consult with a specialist. (I'm still waiting for a callback.) I do get a callback from a nurse on the latest blood workup. She doesn't even talk about my thyroid test. She said something like no big deal: I'm in the normal range. Well, they raised my dosage last blood test, so this was a big deal--they finally hit on the right dosage.

So I was down to less than a week's supply of the first two medications and last weekend I dropped by during my grocery run and ordered the first two tablets (including my thyroid medicine).  I eventually get a text that a $10 refill was available. Now what? Was the doctor rejecting one of the prescriptions?

I dropped by after work Tuesday--and find the $10 prescription was NEITHER tablet, but a tube of cream WHICH I HADN'T ORDERED. What the hell? What happened to my two meds I ordered, including the thyroid one, which ran out Monday night? Oh, my insurance company vetoed that (not the doctor). I could get a 30-day, but not 90-day supply. (OK, why wasn't anyone telling me this crap?)

So I'm fuming that the insurance company, which isn't paying any of the cost of my Walmart prescriptions, is vetoing a validated prescription. I explain to the clerk this sucks, because it means I have to pay triple price for the same meds going through the home subscription program. I'm asking if there's a way to work around the insurance company on this. (Yes.) And for the first time at Walmart I got my prescriptions filled within 15 minutes.

BEB Update

For those who are not aware, Bruce Breeding, my UH office mate, had 2 strokes, the second a major one, around the beginning of June. He had finally recovered enough to move to a rehabilitation center, but there were some fluid discharge issues, among other things, which led to a return to the hospital and another brain surgery.

Spouse Susan had gone to attend her son-in-law's ordination in Chicago this past weekend but didn't blog until Monday. While at the hospital, they finally got a formula that Bruce's body tolerates; his stitches were removed, he's returned to the rehabilitation center, and most notably he is now vocalizing some words and phrases, including responding to greetings. Still a long road ahead, but 5-6 weeks back, Susan was despairing he showed no signs of emerging from his coma. Apparently some things he's saying are not intelligible, but he is recognizing people and saying some understandable things. I know Susan was concerned whether the stroke and operations had affected memories, etc.

WWE Notes

Well, there have been some promising notes of interest:

  • WWE put the Universal belt back on Lesnar after having booked him as the Money in the Bank winner. There were some weird bookings in the interim, especially one where then champ Rollins had been beaten to a pulp on Raw, but Lesnar refused to cash in his guaranteed shot, preferring to postpone the cash-in for a minor PPV. I've not been much of a fan of how they've booked Lesnar on limited Raw appearance, almost never wrestling but mostly standing there grinning while Heyman cuts a promo. So now they're booking the inevitable rematch for Summer Slam: been there, done that. WWE is limited in booking Lesnar because they risk damaging his invincible character by having him job the title. You are almost tied to something like a rumble match or a triple threat match where the others gang up against Lesnar or he loses the title without taking the pin. Maybe you book him into a handicap match against AJ Styles and his reunited Club faction.
  • They turned AJ Styles as a heel in a feud over new star Ricochet's minor US title. They had teased a Bullet Club-like reunion for a couple of years but never did anything with it. One has to wonder if Balor at some point joins the super faction. It's been a while since we've seen a super faction like the Four Horsemen or the NWO. I wonder if they might form a Samoan one with the USO's, Roman Reigns, and Samoa Joe. 
  • They have finally put Bray Wyatt into action as the Mr. Hyde-like The Fiend in-ring character while the affable Dr. Jekyll Funhouse gimmick stands in contrast. They hinted at the split personality at the end of a recent promo where Wyatt's voice took on a menacing, dark turn. They introduced the Fiend taking on Balor who had been seemingly booked into a feud over the Intercontinental title dropped to Nakamura. Whereas Balor's Demon character is an obvious match against the Fiend, it's more interesting where they book Wyatt after the Balor program. 
  • As just discussed, they FINALLY put the Intercontinental title on Nakamura as a newly rebuilt invincible heel. Not clear where they are going next, but Roman Reign is a babyface without a title.Perhaps Kevin Owens.
  • I'm not a fan of Kofi Kingston booked as underdog WWE champion, while also continuing in a pancake-throwing, cereal-promoting New Day gimmick faction. They have finally booked former champ Randy Orton into a feud; Orton has been basically MIA in booking for some time now. I thought maybe they were flirting with the idea of turning the New Day heel or breaking up the faction, say, with Big E wanting a shot at the title after carrying Kingston. Obviously heel Nakamura is a credible challenger to babyface Kingston. 
  • Finally, Kevin Owens has switched back to populist babyface as a challenger to tiresome conceited heel Shane McMahon, previously booked into long, boring feuds with the Miz and Roman Reigns. They've add Steve Austin's Stunner finisher to Owen's character. Maybe they finally reintroduce him as a devastating character who takes out McMahon. I recall Owens some time back flirted with the idea of feuding with Lesnar. They could also resurrect HHH to feud with Owens if Owens takes out Shane.
The new "wildcard" rule is just an excuse to feature top talent, like Roman Reigns, on each weekly show. Still, some of the booking is ridiculous. For example, Shane McMahon booked his two more recent babyface opponents, Roman Reigns and Owens, into a match while assigning himself and his 2 cronies (McIntyre and Elias) into roles (like referee and timekeeper) for the match. You knew from the get-go that the McMahon faction would attack the babyfacesl