
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Post #3959 M: Social Media Bias on the Covington Catholic High March for Life Controversy

Quote of the Day

Murphy's Seventh Law: 
Left to themselves, 
things tend to go from bad to worse.   

The Covington Catholic High March for Life Kerfuffle

Notice to readers: this video, referenced in a recent Reason piece,  is available at the time of the post. I have no control over someone withdrawing a video at a future time. Some background: Twitter seemed to erupt over the image of a smirking Covington Catholic High student confronting an elder Native American, Nathan Phillips. I myself published some disapproving tweets based on the limited clip I saw, profusely republished on Twitter. (To be fair, I did a YouTube search on Covington Catholic, but came up with unrelated general school clips.) This clip is almost unwatchable.  It starts with a black fringe group, sometimes characterized as a hate group, Black Hebrew Israelites, heckling a Native American group (Nathan's) over the impotence of their gods against the European invaders. Nathan would later tell the progressive media than he heard ugly threats  from the Covington Catholic High group against BHI, along with Trumpkin shouts of "Build the wall", seemingly plausible because a number of students are wearing MAGA hats. The Reason writer disputes almost all of Nathan's account, noting that footage shows that Phillips approaches the student, not vice-versa, that Convington marchers ignored the black counter-protesters, and in fact BHI was hurling racist words like "cracker" (and an objectionable term used to describe gays) at the students and singling out a black high school student for provocative, divisive taunting.

I didn't want to spend an hour-plus watching a video of another religious extremist group like the Westboro Baptists. Yes, in America, we must tolerate all sorts of ideological nonsense in the name of liberty. Would my own Tweet responses have been different on fuller context? Yes. I do think the teen who confronted Phillips could have handled the confrontation more respectfully, but I think Phillips' own judgment should be called into question.

Of Course, the Dems Are Being Hypocritical on Immigration--But So Are Republicans

Social Media Digest

Facebook Comment:

The last time I checked Statists were responsible for wars and genocides. We libertarians find killing our customers counterproductive.

There is No Santa

This is heartless.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Cyndi Lauper, "I Drove All Night". I'm playing this one out of sequence, because for some reason I had never heard Cyndi's original version. I knew the song because of Celine Dion's hit remake.