
Friday, January 18, 2019

Post #3957 M: The March For Life; Hell NO! I Don't Give a Damn About Ocasio-Cortez or Her Retarded Politics

Quote of the Day

O'Toole's commentary on Murphy's Law: 
Murphy was an optimist. 

Pro-Life Millennials

Ron Paul: Should We Care What Ocasio-Cortez Thinks? HELL NO!

Pelosi's Constituents

Well, to be honest, I don't want the federal government bailing out municipalities. These responsibilities come under the safety and police powers exercised by the state and local government under the Tenth Amendment. Hannity and his reporter are basically out to embarrass Nancy Pelosi politically. Pelosi is the leading Democrat opposing Trump's agenda. I by no means back Pelosi or her politics which are anti-liberty, but I despise political nonsense by either side. A more thoughtful critique might be how certain policy reforms, like abandoning drug prohibition policies, might address core issues, and what, if any, actions has Pelosi taken to address reform.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: Beatles As Solo Artists

George Harrison, "When We Was Fab". This concludes my Beatles' Solo Artist theme. We'll return to the general artist theme with Cyndi Lauper.