
Saturday, January 5, 2019

Post #3940 M: Money in the 21st Century; Cartoonish Views on Libertarianism

Quote of the Day

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Money in the 21st Century

This was weird in the sense that Deist himself, the purported interviewer, was the de facto interviewee; he must have done 80% of the talking; maybe Deist was actually being interviewed by the blogger, and Deist reused the tape.

Friedman on Redistribution of Wealth

Social Media Digest

[A libertarian sarcastically commented on the kerfuffle involving anti-Trumpkins using 4-letter words to curse at Trump. They commented with a meme focusing on nasty three-letter government acronyms. I added to the list:]


Choose Life


Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: Beatles as Solo Artists

John Lennon, "Nobody Told Me". This is the end of my series on John. The remaining Beatle is George.