
Sunday, January 13, 2019

Post #3950 M:: Ask Ron Paul; 3 Dem-controlled States Losing Population

Quote of the Day

You can build a throne with bayonets, 
but you can't sit on it for long.
Boris Yeltsin 

Ask Ron Paul

Monuments (privatize it--I love it!) Limited government? Constitution; Bastiat: if it's wrong for individuals, so for government

NY, CA, IL: Losing Residents As They Bail On Progressive Paradises

Social Media Digest

[Responding to a libertarian meme where comedian Bill Murray suggests teaching kids about taxes by eating 30% of their ice cream: FB]

 More like taking 30% of their birthday money and telling what they can/cannot spend the rest of it on.

[ once again arguing that we libertarians who oppose the Civil War must defend the pro-slavery Confederacy: FB]

Here we go again with "libertarian" Cato Institute suggesting that libertarians justify to the moral authority of the State an application of the principle of Subsidiarity. It may well be the separatist governance was no improvement in the protection of individual rights, but the unprovoked aggression against the Southern states for the voluntary act of separation was a violation against liberty principles of the highest order.

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: Beatles as Solo Artists

George Harrison, "Ding Dong, Ding Dong"