Quote of the Day
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour.
Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute.
That's relativity.
Albert Einstein
Stossel on Peterson vs. SJW's
Peterson On Disagreeable People (Like Me)
Ron Paul On Trump's Space Force
Facebook Corner
[Reason had a columnist who clucked at people (including me) using Nazi references to Trump's border policy separating children from parents, basically pointing out there's a world of difference from Nazi death camps. I respondI myself have referenced Nazi-like analogies to reference the separation of children from families. I wasn't aware of others doing the same. I am, of course, aware leftists have been making Hitler comparisons of Trump since day 1. But this is not personal; it's about policy in a Constitutional republic.
But this self-appointed libertarian policeman can go to hell. Part of what what we are dealing with a hypocritical (family values) regime trying to rationalize a terror tactic against immigrant families.
He's like those contemporary libertarians who condemn those of us who are highly critical of the North's morally unjustifiable invasion of the South,as if we aren't aware of the immorality of slavery or that Southerners also had their political issues. There are major issues of voluntary association and the non-aggression principles, the consolidation of federal power at the expense of the states. It's not "reactionaries" who felt this way, but proto-libertarians like Lysander Spooner.
No, none of us are suggesting that Trump is considering genocide of Latino migrants. But we are seeing a softer version of fascism, including disturbing elements of nationalism, scapegoating of foreigners, government intervention, etc.
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Jerry Holbert via Townhall |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Elton John, "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds". Elton takes this Beatles' classic to #1.