
Monday, April 16, 2018

Post #3627 M

Quote of the Day

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. 
The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
John C. Maxwell  

Young Man Dies As His 9-1-1 Calls Are Not Taken Seriously: More Government Incompetence

Classic Rocker Crosby Adds a Track To the New Kelo Movie

The Nation's Kids Give Trump a Report Card


Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Patriot Post on FB

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Paul Anka, "Having My Baby". There are surprisingly few pop songs on something beautiful as pregnancy and the birth of new life, and as a pro-lifer, I find Anka's unlikely #1 anthem refreshing. But if you have been following my commentaries in this segment, you know I like to channel my inner songwriter and record producer. As good as the song is, there are some things I would tweak. I've almost from the start never liked the "MY" in the title. A child is not her father's property; she is a gift of God to both parents. As a pro-lifer, I also have issues with the verses "Didn't have to keep it/Wouldn't put you through/You could have swept it from your life but you wouldn't do it"; I understand Anka didn't want his song tied up in the abortion debate, so he's making it clear it's his lover's choice to keep the child. I don't see motherhood as a male sentence on his partner; it's difficult to say from my perspective since for me to be a father, I would have to marry a younger woman, and I would like to know she would be receptive to the idea of having a child. So I haven't written my alternative version of Anka's song, but we are not talking mere tweaks but a whole new song.