The price of greatness is responsibility.
Sir Winston Churchill
Remy Responds to Cardi B
I Didn't Know Who Cardi B Was Until Today: Amazing Rant on Taxes: She's Channeling Her Inner Conservative
Facebook Corner
[For those who aren't aware, Kevin Williamson, probably the most talented writer for National Review, recently took a job offer to join The Atlantic, a left-leaning prestigious magazine. The pro-aborts, furious at the magazine hiring a pro-life writer, unearthed a Williamson podcast quote (out of context) suggesting that women who have had abortions should be hung. The Atlantic folded like a cheap suit under leftist protests and immediately terminated the new hire. One of the pro-life groups I follow on Facebook (I'm reconsidering following them), a feminist group, quickly threw Williamson under the bus, arguing the termination wasn't ideologically based. I responded.]You're off-base on this. Williamson was exaggerating his rhetoric to make a point. How do I know? This is from a 2013 piece on abortion and Texas: "I myself am increasingly sympathetic to that consistently pro-life ethic, although every time I think I’m ready to sign off on being categorically opposed to capital punishment, somebody comes along presenting an excellent case for making an exception. I am willing to consider that the defect is in me rather than in the case against capital punishment."
That you people would actually judge the pro-abort fascists as credible on the basis of a patently absurd quote out of context is SHAMEFUL. He was simply arguing against a double standard on the right to life. Anyone with a functioning brain should realize that. Paraphrased, "If you're willing to let government kill, say the Parkland high school shooter, what aren't you willing to also kill those who intentionally kill preborn children?"
I don't personally like the use of provocative language like Williamson used, because there is a deliberate attempt by pro-aborts to argue pro-lifers are terrorists, and the harsh rhetoric isn't helpful.
But my guess is the OP and many commentators on this post have never read Williamson's work, yet stand in judgment of him. He's one of the finest writers around, and you didn't do your due diligence of an ally in the cause. For SHAME!
[A relative posted a gun-rights person's rant, furious that the silent majority rather than criminals are being targeted by anti-gun protesters through restrictive regulations. I just dislike people discussing democratic majorities when we are discussing upholding natural rights.]
Well, I don't like the "majority" argument. It has more to do with the tyranny of the majority who could decide you or your allies have no right to self-defense. We need to protect individual rights. He's basically correct, but he's wording it wrongly.
[A conservative relative, a Facebook user, wants to know what all the fuss is about over Facebook's business practices. While I'm skeptical of public policy solutions, there are serious privacy concerns. ]
Well, of course Facebook is tracking things like your preferences for marketing purposes. It's a source of income with targeted ads, etc. The issue really has more to do with other people gaining access to your data without your knowledge or permission, although in some form that has existed for years in terms of sharing mail lists and the like. There are a lot of gimmicks going on that are worrisome; for example, one of our nieces likes to run these "fun apps" which want to access your data.
The current kerfuffle has to do with a Trump campaign vendor who got access to Facebook data in a way to help elect him, although that vendor did not cast actual votes for him. Facebook, though, is a "progressive" company more embarrassed that they were used in an unintended way.
[Here I was responding to a meme which argued that laws against abortion is unenforceable, that women will resort to the black market.]
Pro-life libertarian here. We tend to believe that the natural rights to life, liberty and property are fundamental (if government has a role) and preborn life has value. Could a mother kill her 2-year-old child before police could intervene? Of course. Should she be held responsible for violating the non-aggression principle? Of course.
[Here I'm making a point that conservative politicians like Brat are not fiscal conservatives when it comes to the military]
The problem here is that we don't need to outspend the next 8 countries in Defense. Brat is part of the spending problem, not the solution.
Some miscellaneous quotes:
- Don't blame the GOP on this. Only gullible Trumpkins believe in this economically illiterate bullshit. He didn't win the nomination on protectionism.
- [Trump] does and he doesn't. He believes in due process when he hires wife-beaters. He doesn't believe in due process when it comes to government theft of your stuff. But what did you expect from a guy who loves eminent domain?
- You aren't for liberty; you're just as Statist as Dems.
Political Cartoon
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Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Taylor Dayne, "I'll Be Your Shelter"