
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Post #3323 M

Quote of the Day

There are two possible outcomes: 
If the result confirms the hypothesis, 
then you've made a measurement. 
If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, 
then you've made a discovery. 
Enrico Fermi  

Tweet of the Day

Image of the Day

The GOP Still Hasn't Learned the Lesson From the Bridge to Nowhere

Why Did Trump Win?

We're NOT the World's Policeman

Facebook Corner

It's Left-Handers' Day. Celebrate the creative people in your life. My high school nickname was 'Einstein' (in part, my curly hair, my scholastic aptitude, and a fellow lefty). Two of my goddaughters are lefties. Other prominent lefties: Aristotle, Da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Prince William, Napoleon, several US Presidents (Garfield, Hoover, Truman, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Obama). Not to mention nominees like Dole and McCain. In the last election cycle, my favored candidate, Rand Paul.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Barbra Streisand, "Songbird". Third #1 in a row on the A/C chart.