Treasure the love you have received above all.
It will survive long after your gold and good health have vanished.
Og Mandino
Tweet of the Day
This may have an all-time personal record day on Twitter for me, starting with the first two, Now, to be honest, I've never been a Maureen Dowd fan; if I knew that bashing Dowd would have been popular, I would have tweeted on her stuff months ago. More seriously, it had more to do with the topic. I've had a nuanced take on this Russian conspiracy stuff; I think the Democrats are politically desperate. No one seriously believes that Putin had anything to do with Trump's election. Clinton is responsible for her own loss. Now to be honest, I don't doubt for a second that Trump wanted loyalty assurances from Comey--he's made it clear that he thinks Sessions' recusal on the Russia kerfuffle was a disqualifying violation of his trust. The very fact that Trump went out of his way to note in his termination note that Comey did not see evidence of Trump's personal wrongdoing is a rather unusual sign of defensiveness. But when he later contradicts his own deputy AG on the factual basis for Comey's termination, Trump lent the appearance, if not the fact, that he was attempting to shut down the Russia investigation. What he should have done from day 1 is say, "Look, there was no quid pro quo between the Putin government and our campaign. We know the facts will bear that out and pledge our full cooperation " It was not going to go away, no matter how much Trump wished otherwise. When Trump hinted that he might fire Mueller, I considered it politically suicidal, an abuse of Presidential power, grounds for impeachment. Mueller is/was a registered Republican who enjoys bipartisan support. If Mueller did due diligence and came up empty, it was Trump's best hope for vindication. Trump's attempt to shut down Mueller, who in fact he had interviewed to replace Comey, would likely be Presidential abuse of power worthy of impeachment. Even if Trump did fire Mueller, it would not shut down the investigation. It could be Congress itself hires Mueller to do its own investigation.So while those of us who abide by the rule of law were telling Trump not to mess with Mueller's investigation, the Trump Derangement Syndrome folks like Maureen Dowd are impatiently waiting on Mueller to come up with something, anything on Trump. That's not justice; it's a lynch mob mentality. Almost every poll showed Clinton leading Trump going into the election; Clinton badly lost the electoral college, despite a bigger campaign chest. What did Russia have to gain from helping what appeared to everyone to be a losing campaign? Did they know something the best US pollsters didn't know?
It seems like "progressives" like Dowd are going on a 10-months running temper tantrum following Clinton's loss. I've had my fill of it, and I'm a NeverTrumper. Hence my tweets:
Who really cares what Maureen Dowd thinks? This is just more Trump-bashing and Russian conspiracy lunacy. "Bobby Sticks It to Trump"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
When Mueller pursues matters preceding Trump's national candidacy, he's on an unjustifiable fishing expedition. "Bobby Sticks It to Trump"— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
#IAmHappiestWhen one of my manuscripts is accepted for publication.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
#MyTVCatchphrase It's 10 PM. Do you know where your children are surfing on the Internet?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Nope. American born and raised as a military (USAF) brat, and my surname is French-Canadian, not Russian. I'm a libertarian, not a Trumpkin.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Nope, I've never received a dime from the Kochs, Mercers, or any other alleged Alt-Right financier scapegoat of the crackpot Left.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
The Last Night of the Living Maine Lobster #HorrorMovieMenu— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Hush-puppies #HorrorMovieMenu— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
I woke to find two of my anti-Dowd tweets went viral. Dowd's bloodlust for Mueller to bust Trump is un-American. So the Left is bashing me.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
The Left is very predictable in attacking me as either a Russian propagandist or a Koch Brothers' operative. I have a nuanced take on Trump.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Trump brought this on himself by being undisciplined and thin-skinned. He mishandled the Comey situation. Un-Presidential, self-inflicted.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
But I do not know why Mueller is looking at Trump/Russian business transactions. I'm sure he would argue due diligence, but that's a stretch— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
So today the Trumpkins seem to love me. I just call them as I see them. I like Trump on regulation, dislike him on trade and immigration.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Mueller was not hired to look at crackpot claims of business misdealings. These matters should be dealt with at the corporate level.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
When the Leftist troll accused me of being a paid stooge of the Mercers, I didn't even know who they were (apparently linked to Breitbart).— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Bob Mercer is a talented computer scientist turned hedge fund executive. So we have being in IT and worked at IBM in common but haven't met.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Mercer, like the Kochs, has separately backed conservative and libertarian causes. He was a principal backer of Cruz but later backed Trump.— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Repeal social security and all government healthcare programs and regulations. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
All federal elections should be for a single term in office. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Discourage frivolous lawsuits by making losers pay all legal fees. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Decriminalize victimless crimes. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Repeal 1913, i.e., the income tax and the Federal Reserve. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Make American universities great again; enforce diversity of perspective, restore rigor and integrity. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Require every candidate to political office take and pass Econ 101 and balance their own budgets. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Reduce the number of military bases overseas by 80% and require an explicit surtax for any non-defensive war. #ConfessYourUnpopularOpinion— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Without socialism, who would enforce the rationing and queues for goods and services?— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Singing family escapes from Nazis #5WordMoviePlots— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 6, 2017
Bernie Sanders Was Wrong On Venezuela
Facebook Corner
(Illinois Policy). Illinois has 63,000 public employees making more than $100,000 — costing taxpayers $10 billion a year.
I see the predictable corrupt crony unionists are spamming this post. The fact is that the government of Illinois is a monopoly, and it funds its operations by theft from state residents. Its workers do not have to compete as in the open market. And it's not just salaries in the Top 10 percent of the state, but unparalleled benefits and a fungible type of job security. Any legitimate position can and should be privatized.
God forbid a fucking middle class citizen make a decent living. You people are idiots. Middle class citizens who hate middle class citizens. Do us all a favor and don't comment unless your IQ is above 80. Thanks
In what state are $100K workers middle-class? You are in the 89th percentile if you make that much.
[Progressive troll] Taxation IS theft. Your use of the roads example is disingenuous on several fronts: First, government is a monopoly which prohibits competition; You had plenty of private toll roads prior to the 20th century. Second, roads are not "free". Third, the federal government steals from the Highway Trust Fund to divert funds to things like municipal trains, where users don't pay their "fair share". By your logic, if the grocery store gives you a single loaf of bread for $100 while it sells the same for $2 to anyone else, you should be happy, because you got $2 value for paying $100.
(Adam Smith Institute). Leftist commentators keep making the same basic error..
Where is this unfettered capitalist paradise? Not in any of the developed economies.
Adoption Is A Beautiful Thing
Political Cartoon
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Courtesy of Eric Allie via IPI |
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists
Barbra Streisand, "Time and Love"