
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Post #3191 M

Quote of the Day

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done 
is generally interrupted by someone doing it.
Harry Emerson Fosdick  

Tweet of the Day

Image of the Day

Facebook Corner

(Pro-Life Libertarians). PRO-LIFE: According to embryology, human life begins at conception.

PRO-CHOICE: Jesus never said anything about abortion! Keep your theology off my biology, you misogynist!

# ProLife # MarchforScience

It's disingenuous when the pro-aborts ignore the fact that the Ten Commandments prohibit murder, lying, and stealing, but none of these ideologues argue that laws against them involve imposing Jewish/Christian ethics on others.

Abortion was clearly seen as sinful in the context of the Old Testament, and there can be no serious doubt where Jesus stood on the practice: Jesus loved the little children (e.g., Mt 19:14) and even opposed the use of sanctioned violence against sinful women. (Rome practiced abortion and infanticide, but it was not an acceptable practice in Israel, so it's hardly surprising that Jesus' opposition is not recorded in the Gospel.) But the fact is that the Didache, one of the earliest Christian writings which experts have dated from the first century, explicitly condemned abortion. One would expect the early Christians, evangelizing beyond Israel in the Roman Empire even to Rome, would confront the issue. And the Didache expresses no ambiguity about abortion and sexual promiscuity tolerated in Roman society.

Abortion is not a religious issue but a moral one. I think the reason I've addressed the point is that pro-abort Christians in Name Only are trying to rationalize subordinating their faith to their political ideology. (They've also distorted Scriptures to portray Christ as anti-market, which is a flat out lie. Christ never condemned wealth but an obsession with it.)

Private Property Rights

Chile and Educational Choice

Political Humor

Political Promises

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Lisa Benson via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Amy Grant, "I Have Decided"