
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Post #3179 M

Quote of the Day

The only gift is a portion of thyself.
Ralph Waldo Emerson  

Tweet of the Day

Okay, I decided to troll both Trumpkins and Obama-loving left-fascists on the Trump vs. the press hashtag.

DEAD WRONG: We Must Censor "Fake News"

Marxism vs Welfarism

Massie On Foreign Policy

I didn't know that Massie had to take macroeconomics under Krugman...

I'm Not the Only One Working On My Taxes

Facebook Corner

(National Review). Following the shocking revelation that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people, the Trump Administration responded with a tactical bombing campaign against the Syrian regime.
Do you support or oppose this decision?
OPPOSE. This is flagrantly unconstitutional. Syria did not attack the United States. When are we going to stop perpetual war which does little but invite blowback?
(separate comment)
Gullible fascist puppets, believing the propaganda machine of warmongers. You have bloodstains on your hands by the innocent casualties, and you're responsible for an unsustainable Department of Defense which cannot resolve all the world's problems.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Robert Ariail via Townhall

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Any Grant, "Emmanuel"