
Saturday, October 1, 2016

Post #2964 M

Quote of the Day
Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.
Albert Einstein

Tweet of the Day

Millennials and Free Speech

Vote With Your Feet

The Grumpy Economist on Econtalk and Economic Growth

I haven't embedded podcasts in some time. I don't want to get into technical details here; let's just say that I've embedded a lot of podcasts and videos over the life of the blog, and I'll find that techniques and players I've used in the past no longer seem to work; this is over and beyond the question of whether content is still available. I'm closing in on nearly 3000 posts (I should hit that before Thanksgiving), and of course I don't go back over posts I've written in the early years of the blog to see if the videos or podcasts are still usable. In this case, the Econtalk podcasts have been online since 2006, but I'll give the link here in the event the playback is unusable in the future, but I did a test publication of the post (unlike Youtube videos, which can play in draft mode, the audio player doesn't).

I usually don't include longer (say, >10 minute) podcasts or videos, but Cochrane is so spot on so many economic/political issues that I want to promote the video. Of course, Russ Roberts does a brilliant job with weekly hosting interviews, and I recommend subscribing to the Econtalk feed on iTunes or other podcast service.

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of the original artist
Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Steve Winwood, "Roll With It". His second #1.