
Monday, August 8, 2016

Miscellany: 8/08/16

Quote of the Day
I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man.
Alexander Hamilton

Tweet of the Day
Well, It's Almost Official

South Carolina is one of those states which does not let you change registration to the Libertarian Party; it really didn't matter because I no longer considered myself a Republican once Trump clinched the nomination, but Arizona does let me register LP (I still have to mail the paperwork in). On the downside, I once again have a Democrat Congressman.

The Miracle of the Free Market

Open Bazaar

Political Cartoon

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Vocalists

Diana Ross, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". Her first solo #1 and my personal favorite. Just a great song and superb performance; it's hard to see this pop gem could be improved.