Do not desire to fit in. Desire to lead.
Gwendolyn Brooks
Chart of the Day: Those "Underpaid" Public School Teachers in Michigan
Not bad for a job you work half the days in a year....
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Via Reason |
Reason's Nanny of the Month: March 2015
Milton Friedman on Unions
A Non-Politician Earns a JOTY Nomination
Ed Schultz is a predictably hypocritical "progressive" who apparently cuts off the mikes of those who fail to agree with his "truth".
Choose Life: An Abomination: An Abortionist Strangles Born Alive Baby Girl Who Refused to Die Quickly...
In this case, Mary gave birth to a living 2-lb., 8-oz. baby girl. [Waddill] reportedly chased all the nurses out of the room and made a call to another physician, Dr. Ronald Cornelson. The law at that time stated that two doctors needed to be present to pronounce a premature baby dead. Dr. Cornelson later testified that he believed that the baby was closer to 31 weeks than 28 weeks. He heard Waddill say, “Sorry to get you into this mess, we had a baby that came out alive from a saline abortion, and it can’t live!” Dr. Cornelsen said in testimony: I said, ‘Why not just leave the baby alone?’ Waddill said, ‘This baby can’t live or it will be a big mess.’ Finally, Waddill began strangling the child in full view of Cornelson and other nurses. No one stopped him. He was quoted saying, “This baby won’t stop breathing!”Facebook Corner
(National Review). [Martin O'Malley will] do the same to the country if he makes it to the White House.
He's the reason I moved out of Maryland and now live in Virginia. Maryland rated 2nd to last in a poll of people that were asked if they wanted to stay in their state or not, with 48% of Maryland residents polled stating they'd like to move away from the state.
As a former Maryland resident, I can definitely agree the toxic combination of O'Malley and the one-party rule legislature made it so I took the first lousy out-of-state job offer that came my way.
(Jeffrey Tucker). So far as I can tell, these religious freedom laws that have everyone in a frenzy are, as written, 100% compatible with the principle of liberty, which permits association or non-association. The reason they are causing such division is that they are laws passed by legislatures and enforced by bureaucrats and courts, in a cultural and historical context of the persistent denial of freedom to those who believe they will be adversely affected by the new laws. It's like a human rights business cycle: those denied rights afflict the same denial on others when it is their turn, then the blow back occurs. Freedom shouldn't be this way. It should be the default condition of humanity. It shouldn't be something allowed or disallowed by legislatures, which are always and everywhere at war with the harmony of interests of humankind.
Whereas I concur that majoritarian tyranny was responsible for tragedies like the Jim Crow laws, we also have the evil of unaccountable jurists and bureaucrats, like human rights commissions, which sanction politically incorrect refusals to exchange by private entities without a monopoly of force.
Political Cartoonist
Courtesy of Chip Bok via Townhall |
John Denver, "Welcome To My Morning (Farewell Andromeda)"