If you are not an idealist by the time you are twenty you have no heart,
but if you are still an idealist by the time you are thirty, you don't have a head.
Randolph Bourne
Factoid of the Day
What's most likely to kill you? ISIS? Ebola? Not likely. Most Americans are killed by ordinary things: 5,000 die crossing the street, 4,000 drown, 300 in bathtubs, and this year more than 100 of us will die driving into deer.Image of the Day
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Via Dollar Vigilante |
Courtesy of John Goodman |
- When I'm elected, I'll make sure Somali pirates and communists can't undermine our heroes of 9/11.
- I will work for an America where rich oil companies and pot smokers cannot corrupt our right to borrow money from Asia.
- My supporters know that I will protect our love for the Bible, our precious oil supply and our small businesses.
- I want an America where government bureaucrats and violent criminals can't sabotage our right to accrue foreign debt.
ISIS' War on Culture and History
Whereas I as a non-interventionist am wary of American intervention as the unloved, unpaid world policeman, make no mistake: I think ISIS is a group of genocidal terrorists, and their targets have a natural right of self-defense. I am especially concerned over anecdotal reports, including via mainstream news organizations, of atrocities against Christian children as well as adults, including alleged beheadings and/or crucifixions (e.g., here). I am very well aware that that some reports are not independently corroborated and some groups have vested interests in hyping incidents, e.g., to promote Western support of a military response. But there is a growing body of evidence that ISIS is attacking non-military targets. There are also rumors of ISIS threats against Pope Francis.
There are also reports of ISIS reprising Taliban tactics of demolishing pre-Mohammed culturally significant historical sites, Nimrud, Hatra, and Khorsabad. These are unconscionable crimes against human heritage.
Facebook Corner
(FEE). The President's recent claims regarding our true economic conditions have gone well beyond embellishment and evasion to outright falsehoods
If you are in a position to have access to all the parts needed to aggregate profit margins on the boom, this is a great system. You have to have insight into quite a few pieces of the market, but mostly you just need to control the lobby government running things behind the scenes of patriotic duty and love of country. See Cheney and private for profit prisons etc for demonstrable proof.
Crackpot leftist nonsense. Tell me how government has made Apple the highest market worth company. You economic illiterates fail to point out that the recovery benefiting high-worth entities don't even offset losses from the Great Recession, which they lost absolutely and relatively the most.
(IPI). An analysis of the payroll report shows that the unemployment rate for teenagers ages 16-19 fell 1.7 percentage points this February.
This is ridiculous anyway!!!! They're worried about the unemployment rate of teenagers?!?!?! These kids should be more worried about an education and their future!
You've got to be kidding. There's the obvious impact of smaller tax contributions and higher government benefits, not to mention a correlation with, e.g., property crimes. Young workers tend to have few skills and little experience; employment sets the stage for improved compensation and job alternatives. http://www.economist.com/node/21528614
(IPI). Today, the Illinois prison system holds some 49,000 inmates — up about 10% since 2001 — in facilities designed to hold just 32,000.
Bring back the death penalty. 3 strike rule . 3 strikes we kill u.
The "three strikes" mandated sentences are fundamentally unjust. It's authoritarian populist nonsense intolerable in a country that was founded on the basis of individual rights and limited government. We already have the highest incarceration rate among the advanced economies, which is inconsistent with the claim we are "the land of the free".
Political Cartoon
Courtesy of Michael Ramirez via Townhall |
Carly Simon, "The Right Thing To Do"