Knowledge is power.
Thomas Hobbes
Tweet of the Day
Obama speaks of "economic patriotism" and "corporate deserters". "Patriotism is usually the refuge of the scoundrel." - Mark Twain
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 27, 2014
Mandatory spending–which includes the big entitlement programs–will increase 5.5 percent annually over next ten years.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 28, 2014
What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes when he knows not that his plans may be rendered unlawful? - Madison
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 28, 2014
110 million Americans (35%, highest number ever) receive some welfare benefit from the federal government.
— Ronald Guillemette (@raguillem) August 28, 2014
Image of the Day
Via Overlawyered |
Courtesy of NRO |
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Via Voluntary Virtue Network |
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Via The Tea Party |
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Facebook Corner
(Independent Institute). Senior Fellow John Goodman: "The most significant innovations in medical practice are usually produced by entrepreneurs and although they may be motivated by many factors, entrepreneurship tends to flourish where there is significant downside financial risk and significant upside potential for profit. That’s why some of the most interesting things going on right now are in independent doctor associations, managed by entrepreneurs, in contrast to the activities of hospitals, insurance companies and government agencies."
Name some successful privatizations of Gov't programs.
For the uneducated "progressive" troll, nearly every local government function somewhere has been successfully privatized. Everything government touches--education, healthcare, mortgages, college tuition, etc.--turns to crap. The most successful parts of the economy, e.g., high tech, the Internet, have flourished without the benefit of fascist meddling.
(Rand Paul). The Islamic State represents a threat that should be taken seriously. But we should also recall how recent foreign-policy decisions have helped these extremists so that we don't make the same mistake of potentially aiding our enemies again. Read my entire op-ed HERE:
People who are part of the problem--Obama, Clinton, the interventionists on both sides of the aisle--will never be part of the solution.
(Reason). LA Schools billion-dollar iPad fiasco resulted from a contract bidding process tailored to the products of the eventual winners — Apple and Pearson — rather than to demonstrated district needs.
I was amused when I saw my little grandniece Google for the finale to one of her favorite Nickelodeon series. But my first MIS professor used to ridicule people paying over $2K to replace a 99-cent plastic recipe box. In the last microcomputer applications class I taught in Illinois in the early 90's, I wanted the students to come up with a simple practical application. I think the best came from a farmer who built a simple application to track immunizations for his animals, but most students begged to be assigned a project.
High technology is a tool, not an end to itself. I realize this is going back for a lot of people, but we did not create classes on using a slide rule or a simple calculator. I did not want to leave my students with the idea that key stroke combinations they used were material in the long run; I told them new applications would likely supersede these. Indeed, the Microsoft Office platform would later emerge an an industry standard.
We need to beware of snake oil "progressive" education hype and other misleading pushing-on-a-string Statist interventions, like the "net neutrality" agenda.
(Libertarian Republic). Ever seen one of these? [Device that prevents the airline seat in front from reclining.] What would you do if someone installed one in the back of your seat?
I scanned through the comments first to see if anyone had an experience like mine, but I do have a point of view, not even as a tall person. But if you've ever been in one of those seats which are locked and cannot recline (plane structure behind you). and some inconsiderate son of a bitch pins you in your seat by reclining directly into your personal space--you can't do anything because of his self-righteous indulgence at your expense, you would have a different view. I had a battle with one such jerk (he leaned back, and I pushed back; rinse and repeat) and the flight attendant was yet another jerk, saying the son of a bitch was entitled to pin me in. I think another flight attendant managed to get me reassigned to another seat on the plane, but I came close to being tossed off the flight. Anyone who thinks that I knew this would happen when I booked my flight is out of his mind.
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