
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Miscellany: 9/03/13

Quote of the Day
Utility is when you have one telephone,
luxury is when you have two, 
opulence is when you have three
and paradise is when you have none
Doug Larson

Funniest Email Line of the Day

re: whether Syrian intervention means boots on the ground "John Kerry Puts His Flip Flops On"

Menino: Another JOTY Nomination

From CBS in Detroit:
When the reporter asked [Boston Mayor] Menino what he’d do in Detroit, the mayor responded: ”I’d blow up the place and start all over."
Graph of the Day

The following plot is of median household income, adjusted for inflation. So much for Obamanomics....
Real median household income to June 2013 adjusted for inflation
Courtesy of investment newsletter
On Crony Big Sports Vs. Taxpayers

Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor Back Ill-Advised Syrian Intervention: New Bad Elephant of the Year Nominees

That Obama had the Congressional leadership behind him (except Senate Minority Leader McConnell, whom wants to see more from the White House) doesn't surprise me. I think Obama sees this as win-win: he has a face-saving way out of Syria if he's turned down; he shares blame if the operation goes wrong. Of course, there's no way Obama comes out of this looking good if he loses the vote or if the mission goes wrong. I am disappointed that Boehner and Cantor are providing neo-con cover for Obama on an operation that has ZERO to do with American interests.

The Washington Post provides a scorecard on the Syria vote. On paper, it looks like the noninterventionists have the lead, but personally I think Obama will bank most of the undecided votes; will Rand Paul lead a filibuster charge?

Here is a voice of reason from Reason:
Syria is not Iraq, supporters of Obama’s desire to intervene in Syria like to say—they have better evidence, they don’t “intend” to put boots on the ground, and the president is “war weary.” And where President Bush knew he needed Congressional authorization to respond militarily to what he eventually argued was an “imminent threat” from Iraq, President Obama doesn’t think he needs Congressional authorization to act in response to the crossing of a red line he drew and no other body endorsed. The US war in Iraq was a tragedy, the march toward war in Syria so far is a travesty
O'Reilly's Nonsense on the Syrian Operation Opposition

The argument of this populist windbag that attributes libertarian-conservative positions not as principled but politically obstructionist is insulting and without foundation. Many conservatives, including Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, have objected to our interventionist policies for decades. Both sides in the Syria dispute have committed unconscionable atrocities. American military moves could exacerbate the dispute regionally. It's not whether the American people see this as another Iraq or Afghanistan in the making. It's more the non-sustainability of being the world's policeman.

Kudos to Congressman Amash For Restoring Sanity to DC

On Syria: "Nobody condones the crimes that are being committed in Syria by any of the sides, but I can't ask you to put your loved ones potentially in harm's way—and to expend more American resources—with such unclear objectives, an incoherent strategy, and no compelling U.S. interest.."

Exactement! This may be the best thing I've seen written to date about the madness of Obama's "foreign policy".... Investors know about "a random walk down Wall Street"';  Obama's foreign policy is like a random walk in and around the Middle East....

Political Humor

To puzzled readers, Dow Chemical is worried that exports of plentiful, low-price shale gas will drive up their cost of a key resource. They want to limit foreign buyers by exploiting their connections on Capitol Hill. Gas producers naturally want to get the best price for their output, and government manipulation of the energy market is not to the best interest of investors. Of course, Dow Chemical investors are "more equal". There was a time I used to hold shares of Dow; to quote the Stones: "I used to love her, but it's all over now." This is a CEI parody. (I don't know if it is intentional but Guthrie's anthem is controversial in some versions, e.g., "As I went walking I saw a sign there; And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."; But on the other side it didn't say nothing; That side was made for you and me."; "By the relief office, I'd seen my people. As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking, Is this land made for you and me?")

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Jerry Holbert and Townhall

Musical Interlude: Motown

The Marvelettes, "Please Mr. Postman"

"Ever notice how sometimes you come across somebody you shouldn't have #^*#ed with?" Well, I'm that guy".

Don't mess with Iraq War  vets...

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