
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Miscellany: 5/31/11

Quote of the Day 

Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. 
Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. 
Speak your mind and fear less the label of 'crackpot' than the stigma of conformity.
And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.
Thomas J. Watson

Readership Climbs To 4-Month High

My readership peaked last October (roughly twice May's level), but the May readership was a strong improvement over the prior 3 months. I would have preferred bigger numbers at the end of the month, because I think the material was strong.

It's like being a songwriter; sometimes the audience surprises the writer. There's a tendency in writers to want to recapture what worked; for example, Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton had their biggest unlikely hit with "Jeannie's Afraid of the Dark", a sentimental story song about a prescient little daughter whom seemed to realize her life on this earth would be short. They reportedly attempted to repeat their success with story songs on subsequent albums but to no avail. My strongest numbers of the month were surprisingly on a weekend after I wrote an unlikely critique on American Idol.

In the international readership race, my Danish readers regained the top spot with a strong second by Slovenia.

First of all, nobody needs to lecture me on government spending, the federal deficit, and the national debt. I've been consistently pushing for real budget cuts across the board--including nothing: domestic programs, defense, and entitlements. I advocate pension reforms, including military retirees (deferred until retirement, capped at a certain level). I want across-the-board agency layoffs, over-budget projects put on hold, freezes on annual and tenure-based compensation increases and givebacks for total compensation (salary and benefits) into the six-figures. I desire consolidation of federal offices, elimination of inter-agency duplication, sunsetting of regulations and merging of regulatory authorities. I would like to see a reduction in internationally deployed personnel and infrastructure. I want to see current giveaways remade into subsidies, subsidies slashed across the board, divestment of industry stocks, reform of mineral right giveaways, more privatization of natural resources...

Yes, I know my political half-life would probably be all of 2 seconds. This is all about political posturing for the next election: the GOP wants it on the record they got the best spending cuts they could under the circumstances. Not raising the debt limit is irresponsible. There was a reason they didn't have this vote during the business day because they knew the markets wouldn't respond well to the news.

It's time to do something constructive and to act like grownups, and I'm referring to both sides. I haven't heard a single credible cut Obama would make--just some basic things (like cutting oil and gas subsidies) that amount to little more than a rounding error. But to the GOP: spooking the markets is not responsible.

I am not for increasing debt, but sooner or later, you'll have to raise the ceiling, and it's better it happens sooner than later. You have to play with the hand you're given--and you've got drunken-sailor spenders in the Senate and White House.

Guest Editorial: Tim Pawlenty/CATO Institute, 
"Reining In The Public Sector"

Former Governor Pawlenty (R-MN), a current GOP Presidential candidate, continues to impress me. Any citizen who applauds Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's noble efforts on behalf of the average taxpayer to rein in collective bargaining abuse by self-centered public sector Sally Brown's ("All I want is what I have coming to me. All I want is my fair share.") will cheer on the governor as he talks about confronting Minnesota transit workers (15 years, then retire with health insurance for life).

I Like My Steak and Burgers 
As I Like Government Regulation: 
Medium Rare

No doubt the government denies their hands are on my juicy, flavorful burger (they require all bureaucrats to wear gloves...) Did I mention that customer is having his second tough, dry, tasteless burger this week, when his doctor told him he could only have one? Whoops! And burger joint managers and owners aren't even required to hold credentials like a degree from McDonald's Hamburger University! And let's not forget the HCAs and PAHs in charred meats! Oh, and the Omega-6/Omega-3 ratio is much higher (pro-inflammatory) in conventionally finished (grain-fed animal) meats...

Harmon Killebrew's Widow Nita's 
Emotional Memorial Speech
(followed by personal tribute song)

Stand Up To Cancer: Killebrew blog tribute  Home Page  Shop  Donate

iTunes song: Joss Stone/Dave Stewart

Political Humor

"Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a maid. She kept the child secret for 14 years. John Edwards is going, 'Why can't I meet a chick like that?'" –Jay Leno

[Arnold knew that he was in trouble as soon as the scandal sheets stumbled upon Abbottabad, CA. Thank goodness they didn't interview the rest of the maid staff and kids in the mansion...]

"The Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's law which penalizes employers for hiring workers who are in the country illegally. And in a related story, in Phoenix a head of lettuce now costs 137 dollars." –Jay Leno

[Arizona is off to a slow start. For some reason, all the enforcers are asking to leave work early so they can be home when the kids get out of school...]

Musical Interlude: My Favorite Groups

Chicago, "No Tell Lover"