
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Obama: Diagnosis and Prescription

It is my considered opinion that Barack Obama is a taxoholic with acute spendicitis. It results from being isolated in a do-nothing Democratic Party caucus, with overexposure to recycled liberal ideas from the 1970's of (just to list a few) business overregulation, trade protectionism, unconditional withdrawal from allies in the face of anti-democratic insurgents, class warfare, discriminatory taxation of successful businesses, protection of failing urban school monopolies, government interference in the alternative energy markets, bureaucratic government responses to social problems, counterproductive wage floors, demagoguery on social security and Medicare, socialized medicine, uncompetitive business taxes in a global economy and barriers to domestic energy infrastructure, exploration and production.

My prescription for Barack Obama is 4 years of a McCain administration. McCain is a real change from the decades-old negative liberal groupthink mentality of victimization and political correctness and its emphasis on legislative tokenism. McCain not only turns the page on the ideological stalemates of the past generation, but starts a new chapter of real bipartisan cooperation, not merely empty rhetoric and lip service, by putting America first, not political ambition, in the true spirit of JFK's inaugural call to "ask what you can do for your country". McCain reminds us of those optimistic Horatio Alger themes that even if one starts from humble beginnings and adversity, America is a land of infinite possibilities, often imitated, but never replicated; one is not bound by the pessimistic expectations of others regarding his or her lot in life. By making goals, visualizing your success and taking that critical first step, you can achieve success through hard work, persistance, courage, duty, decisiveness, integrity, belief in yourself, and vesting in the success of others. Success is not measured on a singular criterion of one's financial statement; it also reflects one's reputation, not being satisfied with easily achievable goals but stretching to meet one's potential, and passing on a better, hopeful future for his or her family, community, and country.