JOHN MCCAIN: Senator Obama, this is truly a good day for America.
Too often the achievements of our opponents go unnoticed. So I wanted to stop and say, congratulations.
How perfect that your nomination would come on this historic day. Tomorrow, we'll be back at it. But tonight Senator, job well done.
I'm John McCain and I approved this message.
So after today's historic announcement of McCain's selection of GOP Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, here is the Obama campaign's initial response:
Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency. Governor Palin shares John McCain’s commitment to overturning Roe v. Wade, the agenda of Big Oil and continuing George Bush’s failed economic policies — that’s not the change we need, it’s just more of the same.
How utterly pathetic to damn the opposition with faint praise and to ignore the historic nature of breaking the gender glass ceiling for the Republican ticket!
You want to play hardball, guys? How about the fact that Governor Palin has more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket (Obama-Biden) put together....
re: "former mayor of a town of 9,000": Does Barack Obama really want us to revisit his San Francisco elitist putdown of "bitter" Heartland America voters just not getting it, voting against their alleged best interest, clinging to their guns and Bibles and resenting a porous southern border, allowing possible infiltration by terrorists and/or Latin American criminal elements?
Barack Obama, TAKE A HINT: Each and every time you or someone on your staff feels this arrogant, presumptous, condescending compulsion to suggest that your opponents or the voters "just don't get it", shut your mouth! You are just digging yourself into a hole ever deeper. We are far smarter than you can ever imagine--we recognize a used liberal idea salesman for what he is--trying to push his failed "creampuff" Big Government "solutions" on sucker voters. Americans recognize the same old same old snake oil Democrats have been trying to sell over the past 4 decades: overpromise and underdeliver. It's just MORE OF THE SAME.
Let's go on with the sham analysis of Governor Palin: "zero foreign policy experience". Hmmm. Maybe you guys need to take a course in geography. West of Alaska is: Russia. East of Alaska is: Canada. Do you think maybe an Alaskan governor has to deal with trade or border issues? Oh, and by the way, Sarah Palin has been to Iraq lately just as many times as Barack Obama. Unlike Barack Obama, she, like McCain, has a vested interest in the success of Iraq--her firstborn son, who enlisted in the Army, is due to ship off for Iraq on September 11.
Some suggest that John McCain can't use the inexperience argument against Barack Obama because Sarah Palin lacks comparable experience. Obviously there's a difference between the top spot on the ticket and the veep. Didn't Bill Clinton himself during his convention speech point out he also lacked foreign and military experience? But you know, if the Obama camp wants to bring up that 3AM phone call, this lady has been up at 3AM in order to join her dad in moose hunting. And she looks a lot better holding a rifle (if you've seen those Iraq clips) than Mike Dukakis did in his infamous tank film clip. She's smart and decisive (her basketball point guard nickname was "Barracuda"); I would find her far more believable as a Commander in Chief than the two career lawyer/politicians whose only reason for getting up at 3AM is to go to the bathroom.
You really want to bring up abortion to a woman whom made a decision to have her youngest son after he was diagnosed in the womb with Down syndrome? This tells us more of Sarah Palin's optimistic view of life, her capacity for love, and her inner strength, of what a strong woman is capable of doing in coping with life's challenges--a working mom whom truly serves as an inspiring role model for our young women and girls. Not a token pick but a highly capable, energetic, proven executive in her own right.
Agenda of Big Oil? You obviously don't know about the oil taxes Governor Palin fought to implement against oil producers and her proposed $250M alternative energy fund focusing on hydroelectric, wind, solar and other energy projects.
George W. Bush's ecoomic policies--including his failure to rein in massive increases in federal spending? Governor Palin said "no" (as did John McCain) to the "Bridge to Nowhere" boondoggle. Sarah Palin takes no prisoners in her zeal to cut through bureaucracy. As is the case with Senator McCain, Governor Palin insists on being tight with tax revenues (making do with her SUV or other transportation in lieu of an expensive state airplane) and has targeted property tax relief.