
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Post #3193 M

Quote of the Day

If I die tonight in my sleep: 
Let me have hugged and told my children that I love them, 
Let me have told my mother how much she is loved and appreciated, 
Let me have helped a friend or better, a stranger, 
Let me have worked very hard these past hours in the name of my personal progress, 
and, Let me have gone to sleep with the knowledge that I did the very best I could do today.
Rick Beneteau  

Tweet of the Day

WV Passes Bill To Eliminate Certificate of Need/Competitor Veto Law

Oregon Attacks First Amendment Rights of Traffic Engineer


Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Glenn McCoy via Townhall

Musical Interface: My Favorite Vocalists

Amy Grant, "Saved By Love". The first of 4 consecutive #1's on the Christian chart, her longest streak.