
Sunday, July 3, 2022

Post #5783 Social Media Digest


                                                    Courtesy of Voluntaryism in Action
                                                 Courtesy of Philosophy, Poetry & Art


                                                  Courtesy of Christian Middle Earth Memes


                                                       Courtesy of Pro-Life Libertarians

                                                Courtesy of Philosophy, Poetry & Art

I'm personally pissed off of the trite pro-abort bias claiming we pro-lifers don't care about children once born. I remember one of my first series of charitable contributions as a young adult on a tight budget was to sponsor a handicapped girl in India (who unfortunately passed after several months). In my blog, I've sometimes cited the work of Arthur Brooks, who found that social conservatives tended to be more generous to charities. I think leftists feel they've done their "fair share" by trying to tax other people into funding "trickle down" government bureaucracies.


                                            Secular Pro Life, 1 of 41

                                             Courtesy of Good Morning America
