
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Post #5772 Social Media Digest


 I still haven't resolved the embedded post issue, and I've discovered copy/pasting images isn't wotking as expected, so I've started downloading/uploading images. If that doesn't work, I'll resort to text-only reposts.


                                           Courtesy of ProLife Momma

If you don't get it, in the aftermath of Dobbs (overturn of Roe v Wade), pro-abort states like California are welcoming abortion tourism, even suggesting they may help cover travel costs.


                                                  Courtesy of Being Libertarian


                                                         Courtesy of Regina Magazine


                                                  Courtesy of Secular Pro-Life


                                                  Courtesy of Pro-Life Libertarian Caucus


                                             Courtesy of Pro-Life Libertarians


                                                        Courtesy of Cody Libolt Media


Obviously the leftists have gone apeshit over the overrule of Roe v Wade. As a pro-life libertarian, I don't really like to speak out the issue; my general predisposition against State intervention, even when I personally disapprove of behaviors, like prostitution and recreational drugs. Twitter isn't friendly to pro-lifers, and to be honest, I haven't noticed many others out there. On the other hand, it looks like Twitter has finally stopped--at least temporarily--flooding my feed.