
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Post #5182 M: Woods on Communism; McClanahan on Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment; The Biggest Threat to Free Speech

 Quote of the Day

I do believe that man is a rope between animal and superman. 
But the superman I'm thinking of isn't Nietzsche's. T
he real superhuman, man or woman, is 
the person who's rid himself of all prejudices, neuroses, and psychoses, 
who realizes his full potential as a human being, 
who acts naturally on the basis of gentleness, compassion, and love, 
who thinks for himself and refuses to follow the herd. 
That's the genuine dyed-in-the-wool superman.
Philip José Farmer  

Woods on Communism

McClanahan on Lincoln and the Thirteenth Amendment

The Biggest Threat to Free Speech

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy of Pat Cross via Townhall

Musical Interlude: #1 Hits of 1974

Billy Preston, "Nothing From Nothing"