
Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Post #5137 M: McClanahan on the NeoCon Value of Union; Ron Paul on Pfizer and Crony Capitalism

 Quote of the Day

here are two ways to get enough; one is to continue to accumulate more and more. 
The other is to desire less.
G.K. Chesterton  

McClanahan on the NeoCon Value of Union

Ayn Rand

Ron Paul on Pfizer and Crony Capitalism

As familiar readers know, I completed my Pfizer vaccination regimen and I'm a satisfied customer. Paul is wrong to question vaccine effectiveness, he's wrong to diss vaccinating kids, and among other things his reference to the Biden/Carter couple picture without masks: both couples have been vaccinated for some time. It's just so sad to see Ron Paul just lie on camera. And just for the record, Pfizer did NOT accept federal money for development costs, and the Trump Administration passed on an offer to sell twice the number of doses

Choose Life

Political Cartoon

Courtesy on Margolis and Cox via Townhall

Musical Interlude #1 Hits of 1973

The Rolling Stones, "Angie". Probably my favorite of their ballads, a personal favorite along with "She's Like a Rainbow".